Module Core_extended.Std

include Extended_common

Pervasive functions.

val run_main : (unit ‑> unit) ‑> _
val write_wrap : ?⁠mode:[ `Clobber | `Append | `Atomic | `Atomic_update ] ‑> f:(Pervasives.out_channel ‑> 'a) ‑> string ‑> 'a

write_wrap ~atomic ~f fname Runs f on an out_channel. If mode is `Atomic or `Atomic_update is set all the changes will be written to a temporary file which will then be moved over fname otherwise we are writing straight to fname.

Values for mode:

  • `Clobber: clear the file on opening (this is the default value)
  • `Append: append to the file
  • `Atomic: replace the file atomically when we are done writing it
  • `Atomic_update: replace the file atomically when we are done writing it iff its content has been modified.
include Textutils
include Textutils_kernel
module Text_block = Textutils_kernel.Text_block
module Text_graph = Textutils_kernel.Text_graph
module Ascii_table = Textutils.Ascii_table
module Console = Textutils.Console
module Alternating_primary_backup_assignment = Alternating_primary_backup_assignment
module Array : sig ... end
module Atomic_edit = Atomic_edit
module Bin_io_utils = Bin_io_utils
module Bitarray = Bitarray
module Cache = Cache
module Color_print = Color_print
module Service_command = Service_command
module Csv_writer = Csv_writer
module Date : sig ... end
module Deprecated_fcommand = Deprecated_fcommand
module Deprecated_command = Deprecated_command
module Deprecated_service_command = Deprecated_service_command
module English = English
module Environment = Environment
module Documented_match_statement = Documented_match_statement
module Exception_check = Exception_check
module Exn : sig ... end
module Extra_fields = Extra_fields
module Fd_leak_check = Fd_leak_check
module Filename : sig ... end
module Find = Find
module Fold_map = Fold_map
module Float : sig ... end
module Float_ref = Float_ref
module Gc : sig ... end
module Hashtbl : sig ... end
module Hashtbl2 = Hashtbl2
module Hashtbl2_pair = Hashtbl2_pair
module Int : sig ... end
module Int32 : sig ... end
module Int63 : sig ... end
module Int64 : sig ... end
module Interval_map = Interval_map
module Invocation = Invocation
module Lazy_sequence = Lazy_sequence
module Low_level_debug = Low_level_debug
module Nativeint : sig ... end
module Number = Number
module Thread : sig ... end
module Timed_function = Timed_function
module Lazy_list = Lazy_list
module Lazy_m = Lazy_m
module Linebuf = Linebuf
module Linux_ext : sig ... end
module List : sig ... end
module List_zipper = List_zipper
module Logger = Logger
module Memo : sig ... end
module Multi_map = Multi_map
module Net_utils = Net_utils
module Packed_array = Packed_array
module Packed_map = Packed_map
module Flang = Flang
module Olang = Olang
module Set_lang = Set_lang
module Pp = Pp
module Printc = Printc
module Process = Process
module Procfs = Procfs
module Prod_or_test = Prod_or_test
module Posix_clock = Posix_clock
module Random_selection = Random_selection
module Readline = Readline
module Result : sig ... end
module Runtime_blockout_detector = Runtime_blockout_detector
module Rw_mutex = Rw_mutex
module Sampler = Sampler
module Semaphore = Semaphore
module Sendmail = Sendmail
module Sexp : sig ... end
module Shell = Shell
module Sntp = Sntp
module String : sig ... end
module String_zipper = String_zipper
module Sys : sig ... end
module Sys_utils = Sys_utils
module Tcp = Tcp
module Time : sig ... end
module Unix : sig ... end
module Unix_utils = Unix_utils
module Update_queue = Update_queue