Module Core__.Bigstring_marshal

Utility functions for marshalling to and from bigstring

include module type of sig ... end
val marshal_blit : ?⁠flags:Marshal.extern_flags Core_kernel__.Import.list ‑> 'a ‑> ?⁠ ‑> ?⁠ ‑> Core_kernel.Bigstring.t ‑>
val marshal : ?⁠flags:Marshal.extern_flags Core_kernel__.Import.list ‑> 'a ‑> Core_kernel.Bigstring.t
val unmarshal : ?⁠ ‑> Core_kernel.Bigstring.t ‑> 'a
val marshal_to_fd : ?⁠buf:Core__.Import.Bigstring.t ‑> ?⁠flags:Marshal.extern_flags list ‑> Unix.file_descr ‑> 'a ‑> unit

marshal_to_fd ?buf fd v marshals data v to file descriptor fd using marshalling buffer buf, and marshalling flags flags. Raises input errors as in Bigstring.really_write.

val marshal_to_sock_no_sigpipe : (?⁠buf:Core__.Import.Bigstring.t ‑> ?⁠flags:Marshal.extern_flags list ‑> Unix.file_descr ‑> 'a ‑> unit) Core__.Import.Or_error.t

marshal_to_sock_no_sigpipe ?buf sock v same as marshal_to_fd, but writes to sockets only and uses Bigstring.really_send_no_sigpipe to avoid SIGPIPE on sockets.

val unmarshal_from_sock : ?⁠buf:Core__.Import.Bigstring.t ‑> Unix.file_descr ‑> 'a

unmarshal_from_sock ?buf sock unmarshals data from socket sock using unmarshalling buffer buf. Raises input errors as in Bigstring.really_recv.