Module Base__Map_intf

See map.mli for comments.

module Without_comparator : sig ... end
module With_comparator : sig ... end
module With_first_class_module : sig ... end
module Symmetric_diff_element : sig ... end
module type Accessors_generic : sig ... end
module type Accessors1 : sig ... end
module type Accessors2 : sig ... end
module type Accessors3 : sig ... end
module type Accessors3_with_comparator : sig ... end
module Check_accessors : functor (T : Base.T.T3) -> functor (Tree : Base.T.T3) -> functor (Key : Base.T.T1) -> functor (Options : Base.T.T3) -> functor (M : Accessors_generic with type (a, b, c) options := (a, b, c) Options.t with type (a, b, c) t := (a, b, c) T.t with type (a, b, c) tree := (a, b, c) Tree.t with type key := a Key.t) -> sig ... end

Consistency checks (same as in Container).

module Check_accessors1 : functor (M : Accessors1) -> sig ... end
module Check_accessors2 : functor (M : Accessors2) -> sig ... end
module Check_accessors3 : functor (M : Accessors3) -> sig ... end
module Check_accessors3_with_comparator : functor (M : Accessors3_with_comparator) -> sig ... end
module type Creators_generic : sig ... end
module type Creators1 : sig ... end
module type Creators2 : sig ... end
module type Creators3_with_comparator : sig ... end
module Check_creators : functor (T : Base.T.T3) -> functor (Tree : Base.T.T3) -> functor (Key : Base.T.T1) -> functor (Options : Base.T.T3) -> functor (M : Creators_generic with type (a, b, c) options := (a, b, c) Options.t with type (a, b, c) t := (a, b, c) T.t with type (a, b, c) tree := (a, b, c) Tree.t with type key := a Key.t) -> sig ... end
module Check_creators1 : functor (M : Creators1) -> sig ... end
module Check_creators2 : functor (M : Creators2) -> sig ... end
module Check_creators3_with_comparator : functor (M : Creators3_with_comparator) -> sig ... end
module type Creators_and_accessors_generic : sig ... end
module type Creators_and_accessors1 : sig ... end
module type Creators_and_accessors2 : sig ... end
module type Creators_and_accessors3_with_comparator : sig ... end