Module Async_extra

module Bus : sig ... end

An Async extension of Core_kernel.Bus. Functions that share the same name and types as those in Core_kernel.Bus are direct calls to the same.

module Command : sig ... end

Async.Command is Core.Command with additional Async functions.

module Cpu_usage : sig ... end

Simple cpu usage statistics.

module Dynamic_port_writer : sig ... end

For communicating a dynamically chosen TCP port from a child process to its parent.

module File_tail : sig ... end

File_tail is useful for pulling data from a file that is being appended to by another process. Creating a file tail returns the reader half of a pipe whose writer half is populated by a background process that roughly does the following loop.

module File_writer : sig ... end

File_writer is a thin wrapper around Writer with a couple of extra features:

module Lock_file : sig ... end

Async.Lock_file is a wrapper that provides Async equivalents for Core.Lock_file.

module Persistent_connection : sig ... end
module Persistent_connection_intf : sig ... end
module Persistent_singleton : sig ... end

Implements a value that is either in a file, or in memory, but not both. Is used by live and the friend to store sequence numbers and counters. If the value is moved to memory, changed, and then the process crashes, the file will correctly reflect that the value has been lost.

module Rpc : sig ... end

This module just re-exports lots of modules from Async_rpc_kernel and adds some Unix-specific wrappers in Connection (for using Reader, Writer, and Tcp). For documentation, see Rpc and Connection_intf in the Async_rpc_kernel library.

module Schedule_v5 : sig ... end
module Schedule_v4_deprecated : sig ... end
module Sequencer_table : sig ... end

A table of sequencers indexed by key, so that at any moment for each key there is at most one job running.

module Tcp : sig ... end

Tcp supports connection to inet sockets and unix sockets. These are two different types. We use 'a Where_to_connect.t to specify a socket to connect to, where the 'a identifies the type of socket.

module Tcp_file : sig ... end

Access to on-disk files in parallel with serving them over a TCP connection.

module Typed_tcp : sig ... end
module Udp : sig ... end

A grab-bag of performance-oriented, UDP-oriented network tools. These provide some convenience, but they are more complex than basic applications require.

module Unpack_sequence : sig ... end

Unpack_sequence uses an Unpack_buffer.t to unpack a sequence of packed values coming from a string Pipe.Reader.t or a Reader.t. It can produce a pipe of upacked values or iterate a user-supplied function over the unpacked values.

module User_and_group : sig ... end

Wrapper around Core.User_and_group with a deferred for_this_process / for_this_process_exn.

module Versioned_rpc = Async_rpc_kernel.Versioned_rpc
module Versioned_typed_tcp : sig ... end
module Weak_hashtbl : sig ... end

Like Core.Weak_hashtbl, but automatically collects keys with unused data, rather than requiring user code to call remove_keys_with_unused_data.