
Module Make_map_reduce_function (S : Map_reduce_function_spec) : Map_reduce_function with type Param.t = unit and type Accum.t = S.Accum.t and type Input.t = S.Input.t



module Param : Core.Std.Binable with type t = unit
module Accum : Core.Std.Binable with type t = S.Accum.t
module Input : Core.Std.Binable with type t = S.Input.t
module Worker : Worker with type param_type = Param.t and type run_input_type = [
| `Map of Input.t
| `Combine of Accum.t * Accum.t
| `Map_right_combine of Accum.t * Input.t
] and type run_output_type = Accum.t