
Module Re2 = Re2_internal


include Re2_internal_intf.S

These are OCaml bindings for Google's re2 library. Quoting from the re2 homepage:

> RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression > engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.

> Unlike most automata-based engines, RE2 implements almost all the common Perl and > PCRE features and syntactic sugars. It also finds the leftmost-first match, the same > match that Perl would, and can return submatch information. The one significant > exception is that RE2 drops support for backreferences¹ and generalized zero-width > assertions, because they cannot be implemented efficiently. The syntax page gives > full details.

Syntax reference: https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax *

Although OCaml strings may legally have internal null bytes, it is expensive to check for them, so this library just assumes that it will never see such a string. The failure mode is the search stops early, which isn't bad considering how rare internal null bytes are in practice.

The strings are considered in UTF-8 encoding by default or in ISO 8859-1 if Options.latin1 is used.

Basic Types
type t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val __bin_read_t__ : (int -> t) Core_kernel.Std.Bin_prot.Read.reader
type regex = t
type id_t = [
| `Index of int
| `Name of string

Subpatterns are referenced by name if labelled with the /(?P<...>...)/ syntax, or else by counting open-parens, with subpattern zero referring to the whole regex.

val index_of_id_exn : t -> id_t -> int

index_of_id t id resolves subpattern names and indices into indices. *

The sub keyword argument means, omit location information for subpatterns with index greater than sub.

Subpatterns are indexed by the number of opening parentheses preceding them:

~sub:(`Index 0) : only the whole match ~sub:(`Index 1) : the whole match and the first submatch, etc.

If you only care whether the pattern does match, you can request no location information at all by passing ~sub:(`Index -1).

With one exception, I quote from re2.h:443,

> Don't ask for more match information than you will use: > runs much faster with nmatch == 1 than nmatch > 1, and > runs even faster if nmatch == 0.

For sub > 1, re2 executes in three steps: 1. run a DFA over the entire input to get the end of the whole match 2. run a DFA backward from the end position to get the start position 3. run an NFA from the match start to match end to extract submatches sub == 1 lets it stop after (2) and sub == 0 lets it stop after (1). (See re2.cc:692 or so.)

The one exception is for the functions get_matches, replace, and Iterator.next: Since they must iterate correctly through the whole string, they need at least the whole match (subpattern 0). These functions will silently rewrite ~sub to be non-negative.

module Options : Options.S
val create : ?options:Options.t list -> string -> t Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t
val create_exn : ?options:Options.t list -> string -> t
include Core_kernel.Std.Stringable with type t := t
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val num_submatches : t -> int

num_submatches t returns 1 + the number of open-parens in the pattern.

N.B. num_submatches t == 1 + RE2::NumberOfCapturingGroups() because RE2::NumberOfCapturingGroups() ignores the whole match ("subpattern zero").

val pattern : t -> string

pattern t returns the pattern from which the regex was constructed. *

val find_all : ?sub:id_t -> t -> string -> string list Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

find_all t input a convenience function that returns all non-overlapping matches of t against input, in left-to-right order.

If sub is given, and the requested subpattern did not capture, then no match is returned at that position even if other parts of the regex did match.

val find_all_exn : ?sub:id_t -> t -> string -> string list
val find_first : ?sub:id_t -> t -> string -> string Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

find_first ?sub pattern input finds the first match of pattern in input, and returns the subpattern specified by sub, or an error if the subpattern didn't capture.

val find_first_exn : ?sub:id_t -> t -> string -> string
val find_submatches : t -> string -> string option array Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

find_submatches t input finds the first match and returns all submatches. Element 0 is the whole match and element 1 is the first parenthesized submatch, etc.

val find_submatches_exn : t -> string -> string option array
val matches : t -> string -> bool

matches pattern input

Returns true iff pattern matches input
val split : ?max:int -> ?include_matches:bool -> t -> string -> string list

split pattern input

Returns input broken into pieces where pattern matches. Subpatterns are ignored.
Param [max] (default: unlimited) split only at the leftmost max matches
Param [include_matches] (default: false) include the matched substrings in the returned list (e.g., the regex /,()/ on "foo(bar,baz)" gives ["foo"; "("; "bar"; ","; "baz"; ")"] instead of ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"])
If t never matches, the returned list has input as its one element.
val rewrite : t -> template:string -> string -> string Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

rewrite pattern ~template input is a convenience function for replace: Instead of requiring an arbitrary transformation as a function, it accepts a template string with zero or more substrings of the form "\n", each of which will be replaced by submatch n. For every match of pattern against input, the template will be specialized and then substituted for the matched substring.

val rewrite_exn : t -> template:string -> string -> string
val valid_rewrite_template : t -> template:string -> bool

valid_rewrite_template pattern ~template

Returns true iff template is a valid rewrite template for pattern
val escape : string -> string

escape nonregex

Returns a copy of nonregex with everything escaped (i.e., if the return value were t to regex, it would match exactly the original input)
Infix Operators
module Infix : sig .. end
Complicated Interface
module Match : sig .. end
val get_matches : ?sub:id_t -> ?max:int -> t -> string -> Match.t list Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

get_matches pattern input returns all non-overlapping matches of pattern against input

Param [max] (default: unlimited) return only the leftmost max matches
Param [sub] (default: all) returned Match.t's will contain only the first sub matches.
val get_matches_exn : ?sub:id_t -> ?max:int -> t -> string -> Match.t list
val replace : ?sub:id_t -> ?only:int -> f:(Match.t -> string) -> t -> string -> string Core_kernel.Std.Or_error.t

replace ?sub ?max ~f pattern input

Returns an edited copy of input with every substring matched by pattern transformed by f.
Param [only] (default: all) replace only the nth match
val replace_exn : ?sub:id_t -> ?only:int -> f:(Match.t -> string) -> t -> string -> string
module Exceptions : sig .. end