
Module Args

Specification of generator arguments


type ('a, 'b) t
type 'a param
val empty : ('m, 'm) t
val arg : string -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a -> 'a option, 'a option) Ppx_core.Std.Ast_pattern.t -> 'a option param
val flag : string -> bool param

Flag matches punned labelled argument, i.e. of the form ~foo. It returns true iff the argument is present.

val (+>) : ('m1, 'a -> 'm2) t -> 'a param -> ('m1, 'm2) t
type ('a, 'b, 'c) t = ('a, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val parse : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> Location.t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
module Packed : sig .. end
val __ : ('a, 'a -> 'b, 'b) t
val __' : ('a, 'a Location.loc -> 'b, 'b) t
val alt : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val (|||) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val map : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:('d -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t
val map' : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:(Location.t -> 'd -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t
val map_result : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:('c -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b, 'd) t
val (>>|) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t
val (^::) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a list, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a list, 'b, 'd) t
val many : ('a, 'b -> 'b, 'c) t -> ('a list, 'c list -> 'd, 'd) t
val int : int -> (int, 'a, 'a) t
val char : char -> (char, 'a, 'a) t
val string : string -> (string, 'a, 'a) t
val float : float -> (float, 'a, 'a) t
val int32 : int32 -> (int32, 'a, 'a) t
val int64 : int64 -> (int64, 'a, 'a) t
val nativeint : nativeint -> (nativeint, 'a, 'a) t
val bool : bool -> (bool, 'a, 'a) t
val cst : to_string:('a -> string) -> ?equal:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> ('a, 'b, 'b) t
val pair : ('a1, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a2, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a1 * 'a2, 'b, 'd) t
val (**) : ('a1, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a2, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a1 * 'a2, 'b, 'd) t
val triple : ('a1, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a2, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a3, 'd, 'e) t -> ('a1 * 'a2 * 'a3, 'b, 'e) t
val loc : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a Location.loc, 'b, 'c) t
val pack0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, unit -> 'b, 'c) t
val pack2 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd, 'e) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c -> 'd, 'e) t
val pack3 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e, 'f) t -> ('a, 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'e, 'f) t
val false_ : (bool, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val true_ : (bool, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val case : lhs:(Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> guard:(Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> rhs:(Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.case, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_constr : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_structure : (Parsetree.class_structure, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_fun : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_apply : (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ((Asttypes.label * Parsetree.expression) list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_let : (Asttypes.rec_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_constraint : (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcl_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_inherit : (Asttypes.override_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string option, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_val : (string Asttypes.loc * Asttypes.mutable_flag * Parsetree.class_field_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_method : (string Asttypes.loc * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.class_field_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_constraint : (Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_initializer : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_attribute : (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcf_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val cfk_virtual : (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val cfk_concrete : (Asttypes.override_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_field_kind, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val class_infos_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('c Parsetree.class_infos, 'b, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('c Parsetree.class_infos, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val class_infos : virt:(Asttypes.virtual_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> params:((Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> name:(string, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> expr:('e, 'd, 'f) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('e Parsetree.class_infos, 'a, 'f) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val class_signature : self:(Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> fields:(Parsetree.class_type_field list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_signature, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val class_structure : self:(Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> fields:(Parsetree.class_field list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_structure, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_constr : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_signature : (Parsetree.class_signature, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_arrow : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pcty_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_inherit : (Parsetree.class_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_val : (string * Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag * Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_method : (string * Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag * Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_constraint : (Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_attribute : (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pctf_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.class_type_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val closed : (Asttypes.closed_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val open_ : (Asttypes.closed_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_int : (int, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_char : (char, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_string : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_float : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_int32 : (int32, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_int64 : (int64, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val const_nativeint : (nativeint, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val constructor_declaration_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.constructor_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.constructor_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val constructor_declaration : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> args:(Parsetree.core_type list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> res:(Parsetree.core_type option, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.constructor_declaration, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_any : (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_var : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_arrow : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_tuple : (Parsetree.core_type list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_constr : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_object : ((string * Parsetree.attributes * Parsetree.core_type) list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.closed_flag, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_class : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_alias : (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_variant : (Parsetree.row_field list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.closed_flag, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.label list option, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_poly : (string list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_package : (Parsetree.package_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val upto : (Asttypes.direction_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val downto_ : (Asttypes.direction_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pdir_none : (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pdir_string : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pdir_int : (int, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pdir_ident : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pdir_bool : (bool, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_ident : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_constant : (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_let : (Asttypes.rec_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_function : (Parsetree.case list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_fun : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_apply : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ((Asttypes.label * Parsetree.expression) list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_match : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.case list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_try : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.case list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_tuple : (Parsetree.expression list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_construct : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_variant : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_record : ((Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Parsetree.expression) list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_field : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_setfield : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_array : (Parsetree.expression list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_ifthenelse : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_sequence : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_while : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_for : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.direction_flag, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'e, 'f) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'f) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_constraint : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_coerce : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_send : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_new : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_setinstvar : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_override : ((string Asttypes.loc * Parsetree.expression) list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_letmodule : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_assert : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_lazy : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_poly : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_object : (Parsetree.class_structure, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_newtype : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_pack : (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_open : (Asttypes.override_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pexp_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val extension_constructor_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.extension_constructor, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.extension_constructor, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val extension_constructor : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> kind:(Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.extension_constructor, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pext_decl : (Parsetree.core_type list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pext_rebind : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val include_infos_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('c Parsetree.include_infos, 'b, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('c Parsetree.include_infos, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val include_infos : mod_:('a, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('a Parsetree.include_infos, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val label_declaration_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.label_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.label_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val label_declaration : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> mutable_:(Asttypes.mutable_flag, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> type_:(Parsetree.core_type, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.label_declaration, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val lexing_position : fname:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> lnum:(int, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> bol:(int, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> cnum:(int, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Lexing.position, 'a, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val nil : ('a list, 'b, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val cons : ('a, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('a list, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('a list, 'b, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val location : start:(Lexing.position, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> end_:(Lexing.position, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ghost:(bool, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Location.t, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val lident : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ldot : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val lapply : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_binding_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_binding, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_binding, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_binding : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> expr:(Parsetree.module_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_binding, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_declaration_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_declaration : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> type_:(Parsetree.module_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_ident : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_structure : (Parsetree.structure, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_functor : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_apply : (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_constraint : (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_unpack : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmod_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_ident : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_signature : (Parsetree.signature, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_functor : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_with : (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.with_constraint list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_typeof : (Parsetree.module_expr, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pmty_alias : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_type_declaration_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val module_type_declaration : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> type_:(Parsetree.module_type option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.module_type_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val immutable : (Asttypes.mutable_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val mutable_ : (Asttypes.mutable_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val open_description_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.open_description, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.open_description, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val open_description : lid:(Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> override:(Asttypes.override_flag, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.open_description, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val none : ('a option, 'b, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val some : ('a, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> ('a option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val override : (Asttypes.override_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val fresh : (Asttypes.override_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_any : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_var : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_alias : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (string, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_constant : (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_interval : (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.constant, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_tuple : (Parsetree.pattern list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_construct : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_variant : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_record : ((Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Parsetree.pattern) list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Asttypes.closed_flag, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_array : (Parsetree.pattern list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_or : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_constraint : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_type : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_lazy : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_unpack : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_exception : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr : (Parsetree.structure, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptyp : (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ppat : (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.expression option, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val private_ : (Asttypes.private_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val public : (Asttypes.private_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val nonrecursive : (Asttypes.rec_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val recursive : (Asttypes.rec_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val rtag : (Asttypes.label, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.attributes, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (bool, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.core_type list, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.row_field, 'a, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val rinherit : (Parsetree.core_type, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.row_field, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_value : (Parsetree.value_description, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_type : (Parsetree.type_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_typext : (Parsetree.type_extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_exception : (Parsetree.extension_constructor, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_module : (Parsetree.module_declaration, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_recmodule : (Parsetree.module_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_modtype : (Parsetree.module_type_declaration, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_open : (Parsetree.open_description, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_include : (Parsetree.include_description, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_class : (Parsetree.class_description list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_class_type : (Parsetree.class_type_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_attribute : (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val psig_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.attributes, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.signature_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_loc : (Location.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_eval : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.attributes, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_value : (Asttypes.rec_flag, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_primitive : (Parsetree.value_description, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_type : (Parsetree.type_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_typext : (Parsetree.type_extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_exception : (Parsetree.extension_constructor, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_module : (Parsetree.module_binding, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_recmodule : (Parsetree.module_binding list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_modtype : (Parsetree.module_type_declaration, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_open : (Parsetree.open_description, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_class : (Parsetree.class_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_class_type : (Parsetree.class_type_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_include : (Parsetree.include_declaration, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_attribute : (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pstr_extension : (Parsetree.extension, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.attributes, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.structure_item, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptop_def : (Parsetree.structure, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptop_dir : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.directive_argument, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val type_declaration_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_declaration, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val type_declaration : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> params:((Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> cstrs:((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> kind:(Parsetree.type_kind, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> private_:(Asttypes.private_flag, 'e, 'f) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> manifest:(Parsetree.core_type option, 'f, 'g) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_declaration, 'a, 'g) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val type_extension_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_extension, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_extension, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val type_extension : path:(Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> params:((Parsetree.core_type * Asttypes.variance) list, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> constructors:(Parsetree.extension_constructor list, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> private_:(Asttypes.private_flag, 'd, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_extension, 'a, 'e) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptype_abstract : (Parsetree.type_kind, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptype_variant : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptype_record : (Parsetree.label_declaration list, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_kind, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val ptype_open : (Parsetree.type_kind, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val value_binding_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val value_binding : pat:(Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> expr:(Parsetree.expression, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_binding, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val value_description_attributes : (Parsetree.attributes, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_description, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_description, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val value_description : name:(string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> type_:(Parsetree.core_type, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> prim:(string list, 'c, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.value_description, 'a, 'd) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val covariant : (Asttypes.variance, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val contravariant : (Asttypes.variance, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val invariant : (Asttypes.variance, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val virtual_ : (Asttypes.virtual_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val concrete : (Asttypes.virtual_flag, 'a, 'a) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pwith_type : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.type_declaration, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.with_constraint, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pwith_module : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.with_constraint, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pwith_typesubst : (Parsetree.type_declaration, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.with_constraint, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val pwith_modsubst : (string, 'a, 'b) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Longident.t, 'b, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t -> (Parsetree.with_constraint, 'a, 'c) Ppx_core.Ast_pattern0.t
val eint : (int, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val echar : (char, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val estring : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val efloat : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val eint32 : (int32, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val eint64 : (int64, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val enativeint : (nativeint, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val pint : (int, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pchar : (char, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pstring : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pfloat : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pint32 : (int32, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pint64 : (int64, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val pnativeint : (nativeint, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val single_expr_payload : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'a, 'b) t
val no_label : (Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (string * Parsetree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val attribute : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'b, 'c) t -> (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'c) t
val extension : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'b, 'c) t -> (Parsetree.attribute, 'a, 'c) t
val of_func : (context -> Location.t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val to_func : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> context -> Location.t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c