
Module Patdiff_core = Patdiff_core


module Format : sig .. end
module Output : sig .. end
val default_context : int
val diff : context:int -> compare:(string -> string -> int) -> keep_ws:bool -> mine:string array -> other:string array -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list

diff ~context ~compare ~keep_ws a b Use Patience_diff to get a list of hunks describing the comparison between a and b

val refine : rules:Format.Rules.t -> produce_unified_lines:bool -> output:Output.t -> keep_ws:bool -> split_long_lines:bool -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list

refine diff format takes the Replace ranges from the hunk list, splits them into smaller arrays, diffs those arrays, formats them according to the provided format, and recomposes the Replace range of the original hunk list.

val print : old_file:string -> new_file:string -> rules:Format.Rules.t -> output:Output.t -> location_style:Format.Location_style.t -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list -> unit

Print a hunk list, usually from diff or refine

val output_to_string : ?print_global_header:bool -> file_names:string * string -> rules:Format.Rules.t -> output:Output.t -> location_style:Format.Location_style.t -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list -> string

Output a hunk list, usually from diff or refine, to a string

val iter_ansi : rules:Format.Rules.t -> f_hunk_break:(int * int -> int * int -> unit) -> f_line:(string -> unit) -> string Import.Patience_diff.Hunk.t list -> unit

Iter along the lines of the diff and the breaks between hunks. Offers more flexibility regarding what the caller wants to do with the lines

type diff_input = {
: string ;
: string ;
val patdiff : ?context:int -> ?keep_ws:bool -> ?rules:Format.Rules.t -> ?output:Output.t -> ?produce_unified_lines:bool -> ?split_long_lines:bool -> ?print_global_header:bool -> ?location_style:Format.Location_style.t -> from_:diff_input -> to_:diff_input -> unit -> string

Runs the equivalent of the command line version of patdiff on two given contents from_ and to_.