
Module Rope

A rope is a standard data structure that represents a single string as a tree of strings, and supports constant-time concatenation. The Rope module provides a subset of the interface of a standard rope implementation. A more complete implementation (including Unicode support) is available in the zed library.

Rope concatenation is unlike n-ary string concatenation, s1 ^ s2 ^ s3 ..., which is quadratic in the number of strings, with each ^ allocating a string. Rope concatenation:

      Rope.(to_string (of_string s1 ^ of_string s2 ^ of_string s3 ^ ...))

is linear, because each Rope.of_string and Rope.(^) is constant time, and Rope.to_string allocates a single string and then copies all the inputs into it.

Similarly, String.concat [ s1; s2; s3; ... ] allocates a single string and copies the inputs into it -- so Rope is no improvement over that usage. Rope becomes useful when the construction of the sequence of strings is more complex, e.g. appending on both sides, or recursion.


type t
val of_string : string -> t

takes O(1) time

val to_string : t -> string

takes time proportional to n+m where n is the total size of the result and m is the number of strings being concatenated

val (^) : t -> t -> t

takes O(1) time

val add_to_buffer : t -> Buffer.t -> unit

Appends the contents of the Rope at the end of a destination buffer