
Module Fd_leak_check = Fd_leak_check


val run_check_at_exit : bool Pervasives.ref

Toggle to turn on/off checking for descriptor leaks at exit (default: off)

val critical : float Pervasives.ref

Fraction of maximum number of descriptors considered critical. Default: 0.9

val report_open_files : unit -> unit

report_open_files () prints a dump of open file descriptors to stderr in two formats, one using the proc file system, the other by executing /usr/sbin/lsof in a child process.

val report_on_exn : exn -> unit

report_on_exn exn calls report_open_files iff exn indicates a file descriptor leak (Unix error with code EMFILE or ENFILE).

val get_num_open_fds : unit -> int
val percent_fds_in_use : unit -> float

percent_fds_in_use () reports the percentage of fds that are in use.