
Module Packed_array


module type Basic = sig .. end
Basic is the minimal interface you need to provide to make a packed array for a new type.
module type S = sig .. end
S is the packed array interface.
module Make (B : Basic) : S with type elt := B.elt and type t := B.t
module Of_binable (B : sig .. end) : S with type elt := B.t
The representation of a packed array type created using Of_binable is a Bin_prot buffer and a packed array of indices pointing to the beginning of each serialized element in the buffer.
module Tuple2 (A : Basic) (B : Basic) : sig .. end
the representation of a packed array of tuples is a tuple of packed arrays.
module Of_packed_array (P : S) : sig .. end
Of_packed_array(P) creates a packed array of packed arrays.
module Bool : S with type elt := bool
These primitive packed arrays are represented by their respective Bigarray types.
module Char : S with type elt := char
module Int : S with type elt := int
module Int8_unsigned : S with type elt := int
module Int8 : S with type elt := int
module Int16_unsigned : S with type elt := int
module Int16 : S with type elt := int
module Int32 : S with type elt := int32
module Int64 : S with type elt := int64
module Float32 : S with type elt := float
module Float : S with type elt := float
module String : S with type elt := string