init v
initializes a semaphore with an optional value v
. If it is
Some x
, then Semaphore.wait will return immediately with x
otherwise it will block until Semaphore.signal is called.
signal sem v
allows one thread blocked in Semaphore.wait on
semaphore sem
to continue. The semaphore will then block again
further threads.
wait sem
blocks the calling thread on semaphore sem
if it was not
initialized with Some x
or not signalled before. The semaphore
is reset to None
, i.e. calling wait
again will block unless the
semaphore was signalled inbetween.
get sem
if semaphore is not set, Some value
otherwise. The semaphore is reset to None
, and a subsequent wait
will block again.
look sem
if semaphore is not set, Some value
otherwise. The state of the semaphore remains unchanged.