
Module Shell__line_buffer

String buffers that automatically get flushed at every line return.


type t
val create : ?eol:char -> (string -> unit) -> t

create ~eol f Create a new line buffer where f will be called once on every line. Eol is the endline character (it's possible to use a Linebuffer to process null separated strings )

val flush : t -> unit

flush b Flushes any pending output to the callback function. This causes unfinished newlines to be flushed out so adding more characters after flushing might result in there looking as though there are more lines than there really were.

val add_char : t -> char -> unit
val add_string : t -> string -> unit
val add_substring : t -> string -> pos:int -> len:int -> unit

add_substring b s ofs len takes len characters from offset ofs in string s and appends them at the end of the buffer b.