
Module Annotated_field

This module is intended to help in using pa_fields to easily generate Command.t's when you have a record type each field of which you would like specified as a command line argument.

An example is as follows:

module M = struct
  type t = {
    field1 : int;
    field2 : float;
    field3 : bool;
    field4 : string option;
  } with fields

  module A = Annotated_field

  let ann_fields = Fields.fold ~init:[]
    ~field1:(A.required ~doc:" documentation for field1")
    ~field2:(A.default 1.0 string_of_float ~doc:" documentation for field2")
    ~field3:(A.set ~doc:" documentation for field3")
    ~field4:(A.optional ~doc:" documentation for field4")

  let command = create
    ~init:(fun () -> A.init ann_fields)
    ~flags:(List.map ann_fields ~f:A.to_flag)
    ~final:(fun accum _anon_args ->
      let get of_string = A.get accum of_string in
      let get_opt of_string = A.get_opt accum of_string in
        ~field1:(get int_of_string)
        ~field2:(get Float.of_string)
        ~field3:(get bool_of_string)
        ~field4:(get_opt ident)
    ~main:(fun _ -> assert false)



type t
type accum
val required : ?name:string -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, _) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val default : ?name:string -> 'field -> ('field -> string) -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, 'field) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val optional : ?name:string -> ?suppress_word_optional:bool -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, _ option) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val set : ?name:string -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val clear : ?name:string -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, bool) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val list : ?name:string -> t list -> doc:string -> (_, _ list) Fieldslib.Field.t -> t list
val init : t list -> accum
val to_flag : t -> accum Flag.t
val get : accum -> (string -> 'field) -> (_, 'field) Fieldslib.Field.t -> 'field
val get_opt : accum -> (string -> 'field) -> (_, 'field option) Fieldslib.Field.t -> 'field option
val get_list : accum -> (string -> 'field) -> (_, 'field list) Fieldslib.Field.t -> 'field list