
Module Core_extended


role assignment for systems with a primary and backup instances that switch roles daily for ease of deploying new versions.
module Appendable_list : sig .. end
A polymorphic data structure parametrized by 'a to represent lists of elements of 'a while supporting constant time append operations.
module Appendable_list_unit_tests : sig .. end
module Atomic_edit : sig .. end
Atomically edit a file without long-term locking
module Bin_io_utils : sig .. end
module Bitarray : sig .. end
This module implements efficient and compact arrays of boolean values.
module Cache : sig .. end
Generic caching library
module Cbuffer : sig .. end
Circular buffers.
module Color_print : sig .. end
module Crit_bit : sig .. end
module Csv_writer : sig .. end
* Compliant simple CSV writter. * * This library is designed to deal with proper CSV (no quotes allowed in the * middle of the fields...).
module Deprecated_bench : sig .. end
Simple example:
module Deprecated_command : sig .. end
DEPRECATED: use Core.Std.Command instead
module Deprecated_fcommand : sig .. end
This module is a wrapper around Command that allows you to do away with accumulators.
module Deprecated_service_command : sig .. end
module Documented_match_statement : sig .. end
A t represents a match statement where every case is documented.
module English : sig .. end
Translating English into useful data structures
module Environment : sig .. end
module Exception_check : sig .. end
Code to test the effect of exceptions happening in strategic places in daemons.
module Extended_array : sig .. end
module Extended_common : sig .. end
Pervasive functions.
module Extended_exn : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Exn.
module Extended_filename : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Core_filename.
module Extended_float : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Float.
module Extended_gc : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Gc.
module Extended_hashtbl : sig .. end
module Extended_int : sig .. end
module Extended_int32 : sig .. end
module Extended_int63 : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Core_int63
module Extended_int64 : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Core_int64
module Extended_linux : sig .. end
module Extended_list : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Core_list.
module Extended_list__LCS : sig .. end
module Extended_list__multimerge : sig .. end
module Extended_memo : sig .. end
Extensio to Core.Memo
module Extended_monad : sig .. end
module Extended_nativeint : sig .. end
module Extended_option : sig .. end
CR-someday avaron: Why is this still warning in stabilization? open Core.Std
module Extended_result : sig .. end
module Extended_sexp : sig .. end
module Extended_string : sig .. end
Extensions to Core.Core_String.
module Extended_sys : sig .. end
Utility functions concerning the OCaml-runtime
module Extended_thread : sig .. end
module Extended_time : sig .. end
module Extended_unix : sig .. end
module Extra_fields : sig .. end
module Fd_leak_check : sig .. end
File descriptor leak check.
module Find : sig .. end
Unix like find.
module Flang : sig .. end
The language of terms over a field.
module Float_ref : sig .. end
module Fold_map : sig .. end
A map that folds in new values.
module Generic : sig .. end
module Hashtbl2 : sig .. end
module Hashtbl2_pair : sig .. end
module Interval_map : sig .. end
module Interval_map_intf : sig .. end
module Invariant : sig .. end
module Invocation : sig .. end
module Iter : sig .. end
Astract iterators.
module Lazy_list : sig .. end
Lazy lists.
module Lazy_m : sig .. end
Lazy values reimplementation.
module Lazy_sequence : sig .. end
module Left_boundary : sig .. end
module Linebuf : sig .. end
Line-by-line reading of a file.
module List_zipper : sig .. end
module Logger : sig .. end
module Low_level_debug : sig .. end
module Malloc : sig .. end
Malloc bindings
module Multi_map : sig .. end
module Net_utils : sig .. end
Networking utilities
module Number : sig .. end
module Olang : sig .. end
The language of predicates over an ordered set.
module Packed_array : sig .. end
module Packed_map : sig .. end
module Posix_clock : sig .. end
module Pp : sig .. end
Functional pretty printing.
module Printc : sig .. end
module Process : sig .. end
Low-level process handling
module Procfs : sig .. end
Process and system stats
module Prod_or_test : sig .. end
module Quickcheck_deprecated : sig .. end
module Random_selection : sig .. end
reservoir sampling
module Readline : sig .. end
Interactive line editing.
module Readline__input_char : sig .. end
module Readline__input_loop : sig .. end
module Runtime_blockout_detector : sig .. end
module Rw_mutex : sig .. end
Read/write mutexes
module Sampler : sig .. end
module Search_foo : sig .. end
module Semaphore : sig .. end
module Sendmail : sig .. end
module Service_command : sig .. end
module Set_lang : sig .. end
module Set_lang_intf : sig .. end
module Shell : sig .. end
module Shell__core : sig .. end
module Shell__line_buffer : sig .. end
String buffers that automatically get flushed at every line return.
module Sntp : sig .. end
Simple Network Time Protocol
module Splay_tree : sig .. end
splay trees are binary search trees with a heuristic for moving recently accessed nodes closer to the root for easier access.
module Std : sig .. end
module String_zipper : sig .. end
module Sys_utils : sig .. end
Various system utility functions.
module Tcp : sig .. end
with_conn opens a connection to the TCP service on host port and if successful calls f with In_channel.t and Out_channel.t as arguments. The return value of f will be returned by with_conn.
module Timed_function : sig .. end
module Trie : sig .. end
module Unix_utils : sig .. end
Interface to Unix utility functions
module Update_queue : sig .. end
A 'state t keeps track of updates of type 'state -> 'state queued to it and runs them sequentially.