
Parameter Store : Store


type ('k, 'v) t

A key value store.

type 'a with_init_args
val cps_create : f:((_, _) t -> 'b) -> 'b with_init_args

cps_create is given in CPS form to enable chaining.

see Cache.Strategy.cps_create for more information.

val clear : ('k, 'v) t -> unit

Remove all the values from the store.

val replace : ('k, 'v) t -> key:'k -> data:'v -> unit

replace store ~key ~data associated the data to key; remove any previously existing binding.

val find : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> 'v option

find store key returns the value associated to key in store.

val data : (_, 'v) t -> 'v list

data store returns all values in store.

val remove : ('k, 'v) t -> 'k -> unit

remove store key removes the binding for key in store.