
Module Annotated

Module for parsing S-expressions annotated with location information


type pos = Sexplib.Pre_sexp.Annotated.pos = {
: int ;
: int ;
: int ;

Position information for annotated S-expressions

type range = Sexplib.Pre_sexp.Annotated.range = {
: pos ;
: pos ;

Range information for annotated S-expressions

type t = Sexplib.Pre_sexp.Annotated.t =
| Atom of range * Sexplib.Type.t
| List of range * t list * Sexplib.Type.t

S-expression annotated with location information

type 'a conv = [
| `Result of 'a
| `Error of exn * t

Type of conversion results of annotated S-expressions.

exception Conv_exn of string * exn

Exception associated with conversion errors. First argument describes the location, the second the reason.

type stack = Sexplib.Pre_sexp.Annotated.stack = {
mutable positions
: pos list ;
mutable stack
: t list list ;

Stack used by annotation parsers

val get_sexp : t -> Sexplib.Type.t

get_sexp annot_sexp

Returns S-expression associated with annotated S-expression annot_sexp.
val get_range : t -> range

get_range annot_sexp

Returns the range associated with annotated S-expression annot_sexp.
val find_sexp : t -> Sexplib.Type.t -> t option

find_sexp annot_sexp sexp

Returns Some res where res is the annotated S-expression that is physically equivalent to sexp in annot_sexp, or None if there is no such S-expression.
Annotated (partial) parsing
val parse : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> string -> (string, t) parse_result

parse ?parse_pos ?len str same as parse, but returns an S-expression annotated with location information.

val parse_bigstring : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> (bigstring, t) parse_result

parse_bigstring ?parse_pos ?len str same as parse_bigstring, but returns an S-expression annotated with location information.

val input_sexp : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> Pervasives.in_channel -> t

input_sexp ?parse_pos ic like input_sexp, but returns an annotated S-expression instead.

val input_sexps : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?buf:string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> t list

input_sexps ?parse_pos ?buf ic like input_sexps, but returns a list of annotated S-expressions.

val input_rev_sexps : ?parse_pos:Parse_pos.t -> ?buf:string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> t list

input_sexps ?parse_pos ?buf ic like input_rev_sexps, but returns a list of annotated S-expressions.

Loading of annotated S-expressions

NOTE: these functions should only be used if an annotated S-expression is required.

val load_sexp : ?strict:bool -> ?buf:string -> string -> t

load_sexp ?strict ?buf file like load_sexp, but returns an annotated S-expression.

val load_sexps : ?buf:string -> string -> t list

load_sexps ?buf file like load_sexps, but returns a list of annotated S-expressions.

val load_rev_sexps : ?buf:string -> string -> t list

load_rev_sexps ?buf file like load_rev_sexps, but returns a list of annotated S-expressions.

String and bigstring conversions
val of_string : string -> t

of_string str same as of_string, but returns an annotated S-expression.

val of_bigstring : bigstring -> t

of_bigstring bstr same as of_string, but operates on bigstrings.

Converters using annotations for determining error locations

val conv : (Sexplib.Type.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a conv

conv f annot_sexp converts the S-expression associated with annotated S-expression annot_sexp using f.

Returns `Result res on success, or `Error (exn, sub_annot_sexp) otherwise, where exn is the exception associated with the conversion error, and sub_annot_sexp is the annotated S-expression on which conversion failed.
val get_conv_exn : file:string -> exc:exn -> t -> exn

get_conv_exn ~file ~exc annot_sexp

Returns the exception that would be raised for a given file and exception exc if conversion had failed on annotated S-expression annot_sexp. The format of the exception message is "file:line:col"