
Module Field = Core_kernel.Core_field


include Fieldslib.Field
module For_generated_code : sig .. end
type ('perm, 'record, 'field) t_with_perm =
| Field of ('perm, 'record, 'field) For_generated_code.t

'record is the type of the record. 'field is the type of the values stored in the record field with name name. 'perm is a way of restricting the operations that can be used.

type ('record, 'field) t = ([
| `Read
| `Set_and_create
], 'record, 'field) t_with_perm

A record field with no restriction.

type ('record, 'field) readonly_t = ([
| `Read
], 'record, 'field) t_with_perm

A record that can only be read, because it belongs to a private type.

val name : (_, _, _) t_with_perm -> string
val get : (_, 'r, 'a) t_with_perm -> 'r -> 'a
val fset : ([>
| `Set_and_create
], 'r, 'a) t_with_perm -> 'r -> 'a -> 'r
val setter : ([>
| `Set_and_create
], 'r, 'a) t_with_perm -> ('r -> 'a -> unit) option
type ('perm, 'record, 'result) user = {
: 'field . ('perm, 'record, 'field) t_with_perm -> 'result ;