
Module Piecewise_linear

Piece-wise linear interpolation from float-like types to float.


type ('key, 'value) t_

This type constructor is how we expose, for instance, that Make(K)(V).t and Stable.V1.Make(K)(V).t are the same type (as long as Stable.V1 is current). Likewise, if K0.t = K1.t, then Make(K0)(V).t = Make(K1)(V).t.

module type S = Piecewise_linear_intf.S with type ('k, 'v) t_ := ('k, 'v) t_
type ('key, 'value) t_invertible
module type S_invertible = Piecewise_linear_intf.S_invertible with type ('k, 'v) t_ := ('k, 'v) t_invertible
module Time : S with type key = Time.t with type value = float
module Ofday : S with type key = Ofday.t with type value = float
module Span : S with type key = Span.t with type value = float
module Float : S with type key = float with type value = float
module Int : S with type key = int with type value = float
module Stable : sig .. end
Note that applications of the following functors are only as stable as Key and Value.