
Module Export


val string : string t

Beware that an anonymous argument of type int cannot be specified as negative, as it is ambiguous whether -1 is a negative number or a flag. If you need to pass a negative number to your program, make it a parameter to a flag.

val int : int t

Beware that an anonymous argument of type int cannot be specified as negative, as it is ambiguous whether -1 is a negative number or a flag. If you need to pass a negative number to your program, make it a parameter to a flag.

val char : char t
val float : float t
val bool : bool t
val date : Date.t t

time requires a time zone.

val time : Time.t t

time requires a time zone.

val time_ofday : Time.Ofday.Zoned.t t

Use time_ofday_unzoned only when time zone is implied somehow.

val time_ofday_unzoned : Time.Ofday.t t

Use time_ofday_unzoned only when time zone is implied somehow.

val time_zone : Time.Zone.t t
val time_span : Time.Span.t t
val file : string t