
Module Common

Common definitions used by binary protocol converters



type pos = int

Position within buffers

type pos_ref = pos Pervasives.ref

Reference to a position within buffers

type buf = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t


val create_buf : int -> buf

create_buf n creates a buffer of size n.

val buf_len : buf -> int

buf_len buf returns the length of buf.

val assert_pos : pos -> unit

assert_pos pos

Raises [Invalid_argument] if position pos is negative.
val check_pos : buf -> pos -> unit

check_pos buf pos

Raises [Buffer_short] if position pos exceeds the length of buffer buf.
val check_next : buf -> pos -> unit

check_next buf pos

Raises [Buffer_short] if the next position after pos exceeds the length of buffer buf.
val safe_get_pos : buf -> pos_ref -> pos

safe_get_pos buf pos_ref

Returns the position referenced by pos_ref within buffer buf.
Raises [Buffer_short] if the position exceeds the length of the buffer.
val blit_string_buf : ?src_pos:int -> string -> ?dst_pos:int -> buf -> len:int -> unit

blit_string_buf ?src_pos src ?dst_pos dst ~len blits len bytes of the source string src starting at position src_pos to buffer dst starting at position dst_pos.

Raises [Invalid_argument] if the designated ranges are invalid.
val blit_buf_string : ?src_pos:int -> buf -> ?dst_pos:int -> string -> len:int -> unit

blit_buf_string ?src_pos src ?dst_pos dst ~len blits len bytes of the source buffer src starting at position src_pos to string dst starting at position dst_pos.

Raises [Invalid_argument] if the designated ranges are invalid.
val blit_buf : ?src_pos:int -> src:buf -> ?dst_pos:int -> dst:buf -> int -> unit

blit_buf ?src_pos ~src ?dst_pos ~dst len blits len bytes of the source buffer src starting at position src_pos to destination buffer dst starting at position dst_pos.

Raises [Invalid_argument] if the designated ranges are invalid.

Errors and exceptions

exception Buffer_short

Buffer too short for read/write operation

exception No_variant_match

Used internally for backtracking

module ReadError : sig .. end
exception Read_error of ReadError.t * pos

ReadError (err, err_pos)

exception Poly_rec_write of string

PolyRecWrite type gets raised when the user attempts to write or estimate the size of a value of a type that is bound through a polymorphic record field in type definition type.

exception Empty_type of string

EmptyType gets raised when the user attempts to write or estimate the size of a value of an empty type, which would not make sense.

val raise_read_error : ReadError.t -> pos -> 'a

raise_read_error err pos

val raise_variant_wrong_type : string -> pos -> 'a

raise_variant_wrong_type name pos

val raise_concurrent_modification : string -> 'a

raise_concurrent_modification loc

Raises [Failure] if a binary writer detects a concurrent change to the underlying data structure.
val array_bound_error : unit -> 'a

array_bound_error ()


type vec32 = (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
type vec64 = (float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
type vec = vec64
type mat32 = (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t
type mat64 = (float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array2.t
type mat = mat64


val copy_htbl_list : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t

copy_htbl_list htbl lst adds all (key, value) pairs in lst to hash table htbl.

NOTE: unsafe functions!!!

external unsafe_blit_buf : src_pos:int -> src:buf -> dst_pos:int -> dst:buf -> len:int -> unit = "bin_prot_blit_buf_stub"
external unsafe_blit_string_buf : src_pos:int -> string -> dst_pos:int -> buf -> len:int -> unit = "bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub" "noalloc"
external unsafe_blit_buf_string : src_pos:int -> buf -> dst_pos:int -> string -> len:int -> unit = "bin_prot_blit_buf_string_stub" "noalloc"
external unsafe_blit_float_array_buf : src_pos:int -> float array -> dst_pos:int -> buf -> len:int -> unit = "bin_prot_blit_float_array_buf_stub" "noalloc"
external unsafe_blit_buf_float_array : src_pos:int -> buf -> dst_pos:int -> float array -> len:int -> unit = "bin_prot_blit_buf_float_array_stub" "noalloc"