
Module Smtp_reply = Types.Reply


type forward_path = string
type t =
| System_status_211 of string
| Help_214 of string list
| Service_ready_220 of string
| Closing_connection_221
| Ok_completed_250 of string
| Will_forward_251 of forward_path
| Will_attempt_252
| Start_mail_input_354
| Service_unavailable_421
| Mailbox_unavailable_450 of string
| Local_error_451 of string
| Insufficient_storage_452
| Unable_to_accommodate_455 of string
| Command_not_recognized_500 of string
| Syntax_error_501 of string
| Command_not_implemented_502 of string
| Bad_sequence_of_commands_503 of string
| Parameter_not_implemented_504 of string
| Mailbox_unavailable_550 of string
| User_not_local_551 of string
| Exceeded_storage_allocation_552
| Mailbox_name_not_allowed_553 of string
| Transaction_failed_554 of string
| From_to_parameters_bad_555 of string
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val code : t -> int
val is_ok : t -> bool
val is_permanent_error : t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val of_bigstring : Core.Std.Bigstring.t -> t
type partial
val parse : ?partial:partial -> string -> [
| `Done of t
| `Partial of partial