
Module Event


type ('a, 'h) t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('h -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'h) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
type t_unit = (unit, unit) t
val sexp_of_t_unit : t_unit -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
include Core_kernel.Std.Invariant.S2 with type ('a, 'b) t := ('a, 'b) t
type ('a, 'b) t
val invariant : 'a Invariant_intf.inv -> 'b Invariant_intf.inv -> ('a, 'b) t Invariant_intf.inv
val scheduled_at : (_, _) t -> Import.Time_ns.t
val status : ('a, 'h) t -> [
| `Aborted of 'a
| `Happened of 'h
| `Scheduled_at of Import.Time_ns.t
val run_at : [> ] T1.t -> Import.Time_ns.t -> ('z -> 'h) -> 'z -> (_, 'h) t
val run_after : [> ] T1.t -> Import.Time_ns.Span.t -> ('z -> 'h) -> 'z -> (_, 'h) t
val abort : ('a, 'h) t -> 'a -> [
| `Ok
| `Previously_aborted of 'a
| `Previously_happened of 'h
val abort_exn : ('a, 'h) t -> 'a -> unit
val abort_if_possible : ('a, _) t -> 'a -> unit
val fired : ('a, 'h) t -> [
| `Aborted of 'a
| `Happened of 'h
] Time_source_intf.Deferred.t
val reschedule_at : ('a, 'h) t -> Import.Time_ns.t -> [
| `Ok
| `Previously_aborted of 'a
| `Previously_happened of 'h
| `Too_late_to_reschedule
val reschedule_after : ('a, 'h) t -> Import.Time_ns.Span.t -> [
| `Ok
| `Previously_aborted of 'a
| `Previously_happened of 'h
| `Too_late_to_reschedule
val at : [> ] T1.t -> Import.Time_ns.t -> (_, unit) t
val after : [> ] T1.t -> Import.Time_ns.Span.t -> (_, unit) t