
Module Versioned_typed_tcp_intf


module type Name = sig .. end
module Version : sig .. end
module type Versions = sig .. end
type 'a marshal_fun = 'a -> Core.Std.Bigsubstring.t option
type 'a unmarshal_fun = Core.Std.Bigsubstring.t -> 'a option
module type Datumable = sig .. end
This module describes the type of a given direction of message flow.
module type Datum = sig .. end
module type Mode = sig .. end
This module may be used to implement modes for clients/servers.
module type Arg = sig .. end
module Read_result : sig .. end
module Server_msg : sig .. end
The messages which the code using this library on the server side needs to process. That is, messages received from Clients or otherwise triggered by a Client connection behavior.
module Client_msg : sig .. end
The messages which the code using this library on the client side needs to process. That is, messages received from Server, or caused by a state change of a connection to Server.
module type S = sig .. end
module Repeater_error : sig .. end
module Repeater_hook_result : sig .. end