
Module Mvar = Async_extra.Mvar


type ('a, 'phantom) t
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('phantom -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> ('a, 'phantom) t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
module Read_write : sig .. end
module Read_only : sig .. end
val create : unit -> 'a Read_write.t
val is_empty : (_, _) t -> bool
val put : 'a Read_write.t -> 'a -> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

put t a waits until is_empty t, and then does set t a. If there are multiple concurrent puts, there is no fairness guarantee (i.e. puts may happen out of order or may be starved).

val set : 'a Read_write.t -> 'a -> unit

set t a sets the value in t to a, even if not (is_empty t). This is useful if you want takers to have last-value semantics.

val read_only : 'a Read_write.t -> 'a Read_only.t
val value_available : _ Read_only.t -> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

value_available t returns a deferred d that becomes determined when a value is in t. d does not include the value in t because that value may change after d becomes determined and before a deferred bind on d gets to run.

Repeated calls to value_available will always return the same deferred until take returns Some.

val take : 'a Read_only.t -> 'a option

take t returns the value in t and clears t, or returns None if is_empty t. take_exn is like take, except it raises if is_empty t.

val take_exn : 'a Read_only.t -> 'a
val taken : (_, _) t -> unit Async_extra.Import.Deferred.t

taken t returns a deferred that is filled the next time take clears t.

val peek : ('a, _) t -> 'a option

peek t returns the value in t without clearing t, or returns None is is_empty t. peek_exn t is like peek, except it raises if is_empty t.

val peek_exn : ('a, _) t -> 'a