
Module Tcp

with_conn opens a connection to the TCP service on host port and if successful calls f with In_channel.t and Out_channel.t as arguments. The return value of f will be returned by with_conn.

with_conn raises Connect_timeout if the connection attempt times out. Unix_error will be raised if there are any other connect errors. Any exceptions raised by f will be re-raised, which may include Unix_errors raised by underlying channel read/write calls.

The In_channel.t, Out_channel.t, and underlying socket will be closed by with_conn before it returns.


exception Connect_timeout
val with_connection : ?timeout:Core.Std.Time.Span.t -> host:string -> port:int -> f:(Core.Std.In_channel.t -> Core.Std.Out_channel.t -> 'a) -> unit -> 'a