
Module Bench


module Test : sig .. end
Test.t are benchmarked by calls to bench.
module Variable : sig .. end
Variable.ts represent variables than can be used as predictors or the responder when specifying a regression.
module Run_config : sig .. end
Run_config.t specifies how a benchmark should be run.
module Display_config : sig .. end
Display_config.t specifies how the output tables should be formatted.
module Analysis_config : sig .. end
Each Analysis_config.t specifies a regression run by Core_bench.
module Measurement : sig .. end
A Measurement.t represents the result of measuring execution of a Test.t.
val make_command : Test.t list -> Core.Std.Command.t

make_command tests is the easiest way to generate a command-line program that runs a list of benchmarks. Here tests : Test.t list are the benchmarks that should be run. This returns a Command.t which provides a command-line interface for running the benchmarks. See notes above for an example.

val bench : ?run_config:Run_config.t -> ?analysis_configs:Analysis_config.t list -> ?display_config:Display_config.t -> ?save_to_file:(Measurement.t -> string) -> Test.t list -> unit

bench tests will run, analyze and display the specified tests. Use this when one needs more control over the execution parameters that what is exposed through make_command. bench can also save the measurements of each test to the filename returned by save_to_file.

val measure : ?run_config:Run_config.t -> Test.t list -> Measurement.t list

measure is a fragment of the functionality of bench. measure tests will run the specified tests and return the resulting measurement results.

val analyze : ?analysis_configs:Analysis_config.t list -> Measurement.t -> Analysis_result.t Core.Std.Or_error.t

analyze is a fragment of the functionality of bench. analyze ~analysis_configs m will analyze the measurement m using the regressions specified.

val display : ?display_config:Display_config.t -> Analysis_result.t list -> unit

display is a fragment of the functionality of bench. display results will display a tabular summary of results on the terminal.

val make_command_ext : summary:string -> extra_spec:('a, unit -> unit) Core.Std.Command.Spec.t -> f:(Analysis_config.t list * Display_config.t * [
| `From_file of string list
| `Run of (Measurement.t -> string) option * Run_config.t
] -> 'a) -> Core.Std.Command.t

make_command_ext is useful for creating Command.ts that have command line flags in addition to those provided by make_command.