
Module Blit

Blit copies between iobufs and advances neither src nor dst.


type 'rw t_no_seek = ('rw, no_seek) t
include Core_kernel.Std.Blit.S_permissions with type 'rw t := 'rw t_no_seek
type -'perms t
val unsafe_blit : ([> ] t, [> ] t) Blit_intf.blit
val sub : ([> ] t, [< ] t) Blit_intf.sub
val subo : ([> ] t, [< ] t) Blit_intf.subo
val sub : ([> ], no_seek) t -> pos:int -> len:int -> (_, _) t

Override types of sub and subo to allow return type to have seek as needed.

val subo : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ([> ], no_seek) t -> (_, _) t