
Module Scheduler = Raw_scheduler


module Fd = Raw_fd
val debug : bool
module File_descr_watcher : sig .. end
type 'a with_options = 'a Import.Kernel_scheduler.with_options
val preserve_execution_context : ('a -> unit) -> ('a -> unit) Core_kernel.Std.Staged.t
val preserve_execution_context' : ('a -> 'b Import.Kernel_scheduler.Deferred.t) -> ('a -> 'b Import.Kernel_scheduler.Deferred.t) Core_kernel.Std.Staged.t
val schedule : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) Import.Kernel_scheduler.with_options
val within : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) Import.Kernel_scheduler.with_options
val within_context : Async_kernel.Execution_context.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, unit) Core_kernel.Std.Result.t
val within_v : ((unit -> 'a) -> 'a option) Import.Kernel_scheduler.with_options
val find_local : 'a Core_kernel.Std.Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option
val with_local : 'a Core_kernel.Std.Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a option -> f:(unit -> 'b) -> 'b
val cycle_count : unit -> int
val cycle_start : unit -> Core.Time.t
val cycle_times : unit -> Core.Time.Span.t Import.Stream.t
val event_precision : unit -> Core.Time.Span.t
val set_max_num_jobs_per_priority_per_cycle : int -> unit
val force_current_cycle_to_end : unit -> unit
type t = {
: Core.Std.Nano_mutex.t ;
mutable is_running
: bool ;
mutable have_called_go
: bool ;
mutable fds_whose_watching_has_changed
: Fd.t list ;
: File_descr_watcher.t ;
mutable time_spent_waiting_for_io
: Tsc.Span.t ;
: Fd_by_descr.t ;
mutable timerfd
: Core.Std.Linux_ext.Timerfd.t option ;
mutable scheduler_thread_id
: int ;
: Interruptor.t ;
: Raw_signal_manager.t ;
: Thread_pool.t ;
mutable handle_thread_pool_stuck
: stuck_for:Core.Std.Time_ns.Span.t -> unit ;
: Busy_pollers.t ;
mutable busy_poll_thread_is_running
: bool ;
mutable next_tsc_calibration
: Core.Std.Time_stamp_counter.t ;
: Import.Kernel_scheduler.t ;
mutable max_inter_cycle_timeout
: Import.Max_inter_cycle_timeout.t ;
mutable min_inter_cycle_timeout
: Import.Min_inter_cycle_timeout.t ;
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val min_inter_cycle_timeout : t -> Import.Min_inter_cycle_timeout.t
val set_min_inter_cycle_timeout : t -> Import.Min_inter_cycle_timeout.t -> unit
val max_inter_cycle_timeout : t -> Import.Max_inter_cycle_timeout.t
val set_max_inter_cycle_timeout : t -> Import.Max_inter_cycle_timeout.t -> unit
val kernel_scheduler : t -> Import.Kernel_scheduler.t
val next_tsc_calibration : t -> Core.Std.Time_stamp_counter.t
val set_next_tsc_calibration : t -> Core.Std.Time_stamp_counter.t -> unit
val busy_poll_thread_is_running : t -> bool
val set_busy_poll_thread_is_running : t -> bool -> unit
val busy_pollers : t -> Busy_pollers.t
val handle_thread_pool_stuck : t -> stuck_for:Core.Std.Time_ns.Span.t -> unit
val set_handle_thread_pool_stuck : t -> (stuck_for:Core.Std.Time_ns.Span.t -> unit) -> unit
val thread_pool : t -> Thread_pool.t
val signal_manager : t -> Raw_signal_manager.t
val interruptor : t -> Interruptor.t
val scheduler_thread_id : t -> int
val set_scheduler_thread_id : t -> int -> unit
val timerfd : t -> Core.Std.Linux_ext.Timerfd.t option
val set_timerfd : t -> Core.Std.Linux_ext.Timerfd.t option -> unit
val fd_by_descr : t -> Fd_by_descr.t
val time_spent_waiting_for_io : t -> Tsc.Span.t
val set_time_spent_waiting_for_io : t -> Tsc.Span.t -> unit
val file_descr_watcher : t -> File_descr_watcher.t
val fds_whose_watching_has_changed : t -> Fd.t list
val set_fds_whose_watching_has_changed : t -> Fd.t list -> unit
val have_called_go : t -> bool
val set_have_called_go : t -> bool -> unit
val is_running : t -> bool
val set_is_running : t -> bool -> unit
val mutex : t -> Core.Std.Nano_mutex.t
module Fields : sig .. end
val max_num_threads : t -> int
val current_execution_context : t -> Async_kernel.Execution_context.t
val with_execution_context : t -> Async_kernel.Execution_context.t -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val create_fd : ?avoid_nonblock_if_possible:bool -> t -> Fd.Kind.t -> Fd.File_descr.t -> Core.Std.Info.t -> Fd.t
val lock : t -> unit
val try_lock : t -> bool
val unlock : t -> unit
val with_lock : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val am_holding_lock : t -> bool
type the_one_and_only =
| Not_ready_to_initialize
| Ready_to_initialize of unit -> t
| Initialized of t
val mutex_for_initializing_the_one_and_only_ref : Core.Std.Nano_mutex.t
val the_one_and_only_ref : the_one_and_only Core.Std.ref
val is_ready_to_initialize : unit -> bool
val the_one_and_only_uncommon_case : should_lock:bool -> t
val the_one_and_only : should_lock:bool -> t
val current_thread_id : unit -> int
val is_main_thread : unit -> bool
val remove_fd : t -> Raw_fd.t -> unit
val maybe_start_closing_fd : t -> Fd.t -> unit
val dec_num_active_syscalls_fd : t -> Fd.t -> unit
val invariant : t -> unit
val update_check_access : t -> bool -> unit
val try_create_timerfd : unit -> Timerfd.t option
val default_handle_thread_pool_stuck : stuck_for:Core.Std.Time_ns.Span.t -> unit
val detect_stuck_thread_pool : t -> unit
val thread_safe_wakeup_scheduler : t -> unit
val i_am_the_scheduler : t -> bool
val set_fd_desired_watching : t -> Fd.t -> Read_write.Key.t -> Fd.Watching.t -> unit
val request_start_watching : t -> Fd.t -> Read_write.Key.t -> Fd.Watching.t -> [>
| `Already_closed
| `Already_watching
| `Unsupported
| `Watching
val request_stop_watching : t -> Fd.t -> Read_write.Key.t -> Fd.ready_to_result -> unit
val post_check_handle_fd : t -> Import.File_descr.t -> Read_write.Key.t -> Fd.ready_to_result -> unit
val create : ?file_descr_watcher:Config.File_descr_watcher.t -> ?max_num_open_file_descrs:Config.Max_num_open_file_descrs.t -> ?max_num_threads:Config.Max_num_threads.t -> unit -> t
val init : unit -> unit
val reset_in_forked_process : unit -> unit
val thread_safe_enqueue_external_job : t -> Async_kernel.Execution_context.t -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val have_lock_do_cycle : t -> unit
val sync_changed_fds_to_file_descr_watcher : t -> unit
val maybe_calibrate_tsc : t -> unit
val create_job : ?execution_context:Async_kernel.Execution_context.t -> t -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> Async_kernel.Job.t
val dump_core_on_job_delay : unit -> unit
val be_the_scheduler : ?raise_unhandled_exn:bool -> t -> 'a
val add_finalizer : t -> 'a Core_kernel.Std.Heap_block.t -> ('a Core_kernel.Std.Heap_block.t -> unit) -> unit
val add_finalizer_exn : t -> 'a -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
val go : try_with_log_exn:(exn -> unit) -> (?raise_unhandled_exn:bool -> unit -> Core_kernel.Std.never_returns) Core_kernel.Staged.t
val go_main : try_with_log_exn:(exn -> unit) -> (?raise_unhandled_exn:bool -> ?file_descr_watcher:Config.File_descr_watcher.t -> ?max_num_open_file_descrs:int -> ?max_num_threads:int -> main:(unit -> unit) -> unit -> Core_kernel.Std.never_returns) Core_kernel.Staged.t
val is_running : unit -> bool
val report_long_cycle_times : ?cutoff:Core.Time.Span.t -> unit -> unit
val set_check_invariants : bool -> unit
val set_detect_invalid_access_from_thread : bool -> unit
val set_record_backtraces : bool -> unit
val set_max_inter_cycle_timeout : Core.Time.Span.t -> unit
val start_busy_poller_thread_if_not_running : t -> unit
val add_busy_poller : (unit -> [
| `Continue_polling
| `Stop_polling of 'a
]) -> 'a Import.Deferred.t
type 'b folder = {
: 'a . 'b -> t -> (t, 'a) Core.Std.Field.t -> 'b ;
val t : unit -> t
val fold_fields : init:'a -> 'a folder -> 'a
val handle_thread_pool_stuck : (stuck_for:Core.Std.Time_ns.Span.t -> unit) -> unit
val yield : unit -> unit Import.Kernel_scheduler.Deferred.t
val yield_every : n:int -> (unit -> unit Import.Kernel_scheduler.Deferred.t) Core_kernel.Staged.t