
Module Event


type no_change = [
| `No_change_until_at_least of [
| `In_range
| `Out_of_range
] * Core.Time.t
val compare_no_change : no_change -> no_change -> int
val sexp_of_no_change : no_change -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
type 'tag transition = [
| `Enter of Core.Time.t * 'tag list
| `Leave of Core.Time.t
val compare_transition : ('tag -> 'tag -> int) -> 'tag transition -> 'tag transition -> int
val sexp_of_transition : ('tag -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'tag transition -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
type 'tag tag_change = [
| `Change_tags of Core.Time.t * 'tag list
val compare_tag_change : ('tag -> 'tag -> int) -> 'tag tag_change -> 'tag tag_change -> int
val sexp_of_tag_change : ('tag -> Sexplib.Sexp.t) -> 'tag tag_change -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
val to_time : [<
| `Change_tags of Core.Time.t * 'tag list
| `Enter of Core.Time.t * 'tag list
| `Leave of Core.Time.t
| `No_change_until_at_least of [
| `In_range
| `Out_of_range
] * Core.Time.t
] -> Core.Time.t