Module Bench

module Bench: Bench

Simple example of using bench: { open Core.Std open Core_bench.Std let main () = let t1 = Bench.Test.create ~name:"ArrayCreateInt1" (fun () -> ignore (Array.create ~len:200 0)) in let t2 = Bench.Test.create ~name:"ArrayCreateInt2" (fun () -> ignore (Array.create ~len:300 0)) in (Bench.make_command [t1; t2;]) let () = main () }

For default values of all the optional arguments, see the module called Defaults in

For some notes on the design space of bench and TODO items, see: http://docs/programming/performance/benchmarking.html

module Test: sig .. end
module Column: sig .. end
module Variable: sig .. end
val bench : ?limit_width_to:int ->
?columns:[ `Allocated
| `Confidence
| `Cycles
| `GC
| `If_not_empty of Column.t
| `Name
| `Nanos
| `Percentage
| `Samples
| `Speedup ] list ->
?display:Textutils.Ascii_table.Display.t ->
?ascii_table:bool ->
?ci_absolute:bool ->
?predictors:Variable.t list ->
?verbosity:[ `High | `Low ] ->
?no_compactions:bool ->
?save_sample_data:bool ->
?time_quota:Core.Std.Time.Span.t ->
?sampling_type:[ `Geometric of float | `Linear of int ] ->
?stabilize_gc_between_runs:bool ->
?fork_each_benchmark:bool -> Test.t list -> unit
The documentation for all of these arguments is in the implementation, as documentation for the command line flags created by make_command.
val analyze : ?limit_width_to:int ->
?columns:[ `Allocated
| `Confidence
| `Cycles
| `GC
| `If_not_empty of Column.t
| `Name
| `Nanos
| `Percentage
| `Samples
| `Speedup ] list ->
?display:Textutils.Ascii_table.Display.t ->
?ascii_table:bool ->
?ci_absolute:bool ->
?predictors:Variable.t list -> saved_files:string list -> unit
val make_command : Test.t list -> Core.Std.Command.t