(//~!) [Regex.Infix] | |
(//~) [Regex.Infix] | input //~ pattern an infix alias of find_first *
(=~) [Regex.Infix] | input =~ pattern an infix alias of matches
(~/) [Regex.Infix] | create_exn
B | |
bin_read_t [Regex] | |
bin_read_t_ [Regex] | |
bin_read_t__ [Regex] | |
bin_reader_t [Regex] | |
bin_size_t [Regex] | |
bin_t [Regex] | |
bin_write_t [Regex] | |
bin_write_t_ [Regex] | |
bin_writer_t [Regex] | |
C | |
compare [Regex] | |
create [Regex] | |
create_exn [Regex] | |
E | |
enum_of_t [Options] | |
escape [Regex] | escape nonregex
F | |
find_all [Regex] | find_all t input a convenience function that returns all non-overlapping
matches of t against input , in left-to-right order.
find_all_exn [Regex] | |
find_first [Regex] | find_first ?sub pattern input a convenience function around find_all that
returns the first match only
find_first_exn [Regex] | |
find_submatches [Regex] | find_submatches t input finds the first match and returns all submatches.
find_submatches_exn [Regex] | |
G | |
get [Regex.Match] |
If location information has been omitted (e.g., via
~sub ), the error returned is
Regex_no_such_subpattern , just as though that subpattern were never defined.
get_all [Regex.Match] | get_all t returns all available matches as strings in an array.
get_exn [Regex.Match] | |
get_matches [Regex] | get_matches pattern input returns all non-overlapping matches of pattern
against input
get_matches_exn [Regex] | |
get_pos_exn [Regex.Match] | get_pos_exn ~sub t returns the start offset and length in bytes.
I | |
index_of_id_exn [Regex] | index_of_id t id resolves subpattern names and indices into indices.
L | |
latin1 [Options.S] | |
latin1 [Options] | |
M | |
matches [Regex] | matches pattern input
N | |
noisy [Options.S] | |
noisy [Options] | |
num_submatches [Regex] | num_submatches t returns 1 + the number of open-parens in the pattern.
P | |
pattern [Regex] | pattern t returns the pattern from which the regex was constructed.
posix [Options.S] | |
posix [Options] | |
R | |
replace [Regex] | replace ?sub ?max ~f pattern input
replace_exn [Regex] | |
rewrite [Regex] | rewrite pattern ~template input is a convenience function for replace :
Instead of requiring an arbitrary transformation as a function, it accepts a
template string with zero or more substrings of the form "\\n", each of
which will be replaced by submatch n .
rewrite_exn [Regex] | |
S | |
sexp_of_t [Regex] | |
split [Regex] | split pattern input
T | |
t_of_sexp [Regex] | |
V | |
valid_rewrite_template [Regex] | valid_rewrite_template pattern ~template