Module Async_or_error.List

module List: Deferred_intf.Monad_sequence 
  with type 'a monad := 'a t 
    with type 'a t := 'a list

type 'a monad 
type 'a t 
val foldi : 'a t ->
init:'b ->
f:(int -> 'b -> 'a -> 'b monad) ->
'b monad
val fold : 'a t ->
init:'b ->
f:('b -> 'a -> 'b monad) ->
'b monad
val init : ? ->
int ->
f:(int -> 'a monad) ->
'a t monad
val iter : ? ->
'a t ->
f:('a -> unit monad) ->
unit monad
val iteri : ? ->
'a t ->
f:(int -> 'a -> unit monad) ->
unit monad
val map : ? ->
'a t ->
f:('a -> 'b monad) ->
'b t monad
val filter : ? ->
'a t ->
f:('a -> bool monad) ->
'a t monad
val filter_map : ? ->
'a t ->
f:('a -> 'b option monad) ->
'b t monad
val find : 'a t ->
f:('a -> bool monad) ->
'a option monad
val find_map : 'a t ->
f:('a -> 'b option monad) ->
'b option monad
val all : 'a monad t ->
'a t monad
val all_unit : unit monad t ->
unit monad