Module Std.Timer

module Timer: Timer

type t 
Type of timers
type event 
Type of events. Returned when adding event handlers to the timer, and needed for removing them again.
type interval = private 
| INone (*Regular repetition of events. span is greater than zero. Note that this interval will be added to the wakeup time of the timer and hence not correspond to exact periods of time. This means that e.g. if the process is put to sleep, it will not experience repetitive calls for intermediate events.*)
| INormal of Span.t (*Randomized repetition of events. span is greater than zero. The float specifies the maximum ratio with which span will be multiplied and added to itself, and is in the range [0.0, 1.0].*)
| IRandom of Span.t * float
Type of intervals for repeated events
val create : ?min_size:int -> unit -> t
create ?min_size () creates a new timer. The minimum size of the heap used by the timer is min_size.
Returns the timer.
min_size : default = 1000
val size : t -> int
size timer returns the number of events in a timer's heap. Repeating events only count once.
val deactivate : t -> unit
deactivate timer deactives a timer. No scheduled event will get executed after this function returns.
val add : t ->
(event -> Time.t -> unit) ->
?randomize:float -> ?interval:Span.t -> Span.t -> event
add timer handler ?randomize ?interval span
Raises Returns a scheduled event. handler will be executed span seconds at the earliest after this function returns in the timer's thread, and it gets its associated event as argument (useful for letting interval timers remove themselves) and the time at which the timer thread woke up.

NOTE: the handler must not allow any exceptions to escape. span must be greater than zero. If the same handler is used in multiple timers, then the handler must be reentrant. The handler must not block, and should return as quickly as possible, eventually passing off work to other threads if handling an event would take too long.

An interval can be specified to keep rescheduling the event. interval can be randomized (e.g. for proteanism): the float specifies the maximum ratio with which interval will be multiplied and added to itself, and must be in the range [0.0, 1.0].

randomize : default = none
interval : default = none
val add_abs : t ->
(event -> Time.t -> unit) ->
?randomize:float -> ?interval:Span.t -> Time.t -> event
add_abs timer handler ?randomize ?interval time same as Timer.add, but takes an absolute time time for scheduling the event rather than a span. This prevents a time-induced race condition if there is a long time between the internal reading of the current time and the scheduling of the event, which would artificially delay event execution. This function is also more efficient than Timer.add.
val remove : event -> unit
remove event removes event from its associated timer.

NOTE: there is no guarantee that the event will not happen anymore if this function returns. The timer thread may be about to start the callback, which leads to an inevitable race condition here. Users should be aware of this situation and make sure to handle it correctly.
Raises Failure if timer is deactivated.

val reschedule : event -> ?randomize:float -> ?interval:Span.t -> Span.t -> unit
reschedule event ?randomize ?interval span reschedules event to start by time span span later than originally scheduled, and change its interval behaviour as described for Timer.add.
val get_timer : event -> t
get_timer event
Returns timer associated with event.
val get_event_time : event -> Time.t
get_event_time event
Returns the time at which event is scheduled to be run.
val get_event_interval : event -> interval
get_event_interval event
Returns event interval associated with event.
val is_activated : t -> bool
is_activated timer
Returns true iff timer is activated.