Module Std.Filename

module Filename: Core_filename

val root : string
The path of the root.

Pathname resolution

val realpath : string -> string
realpath path
Raises Unix_error on errors.
Returns the canonicalized absolute pathname of path.
val is_posix_pathname_component : string -> bool
is_posix_pathname_component f
Returns true if f is a valid filename in a POSIX compliant OS (a path component and not a full path).

temp_file ?perm ?in_dir_name prefix suffix

Returns the name of a fresh temporary file in the temporary directory. The base name of the temporary file is formed by concatenating prefix, then a 6-digit hex number, then suffix. The temporary file is created empty. The file is guaranteed to be fresh, i.e. not already existing in the directory.

val temp_file : ?perm:int -> ?in_dir:string -> string -> string -> string
val temp_dir : ?perm:int -> ?in_dir:string -> string -> string -> string
val temp_dir_name : string
The name of the temporary directory:

Under Unix, the value of the TMPDIR environment variable, or "/tmp" if the variable is not set.

Under Windows, the value of the TEMP environment variable, or "." if the variable is not set.

val open_temp_file : ?perm:int ->
?in_dir:string -> string -> string -> string * Pervasives.out_channel
Same as Core_filename.temp_file, but returns both the name of a fresh temporary file, and an output channel opened (atomically) on this file. This function is more secure than temp_file: there is no risk that the temporary file will be modified (e.g. replaced by a symbolic link) before the program opens it.
val current_dir_name : string
The conventional name for the current directory (e.g. . in Unix).
val parent_dir_name : string
The conventional name for the parent of the current directory (e.g. .. in Unix).
val dir_sep : string
The directory separator (e.g. / in Unix).
val concat : string -> string -> string
concat p1 p2 returns a path equivalent to p1 ^ "/" ^ p2. In the resulting path p1 (resp. p2) has all its trailing (resp. leading) "." and "/" removed. eg: concat "a/." ".//b" => "a/b" concat "." "b" => "./b" concat "a" "." => "a/." concat "a" "/b" => "a/b"
val is_relative : string -> bool
Return true if the file name is relative to the current directory, false if it is absolute (i.e. in Unix, starts with /).
val is_absolute : string -> bool
val is_implicit : string -> bool
Return true if the file name is relative and does not start with an explicit reference to the current directory (./ or ../ in Unix), false if it starts with an explicit reference to the root directory or the current directory.
val check_suffix : string -> string -> bool
check_suffix name suff returns true if the filename name ends with the suffix suff.
val chop_suffix : string -> string -> string
chop_suffix name suff removes the suffix suff from the filename name. The behavior is undefined if name does not end with the suffix suff.
val chop_extension : string -> string
Return the given file name without its extension. The extension is the shortest suffix starting with a period and not including a directory separator, .xyz for instance.

Raise Invalid_argument if the given name does not contain an extension.

val split_extension : string -> string * string option
split_extension fn return the portion of the filename before the extension and the (optional) extension. Example: split_extension "/foo/my_file" = ("/foo/my_file", None) split_extension "/foo/my_file.txt" = ("/foo/my_file", Some "txt") split_extension "/home/c.falls/my_file" = ("/home/c.falls/my_file", None)
val basename : string -> string
Respects the posix semantic.

Split a file name into directory name / base file name. concat (dirname name) (basename name) returns a file name which is equivalent to name. Moreover, after setting the current directory to dirname name (with Sys.chdir), references to basename name (which is a relative file name) designate the same file as name before the call to Sys.chdir.

The result is not specified if the argument is not a valid file name (for example, under Unix if there is a NUL character in the string).

val dirname : string -> string
See Filename.basename.
val split : string -> string * string
split filename returns (dirname filename, basename filename)
val parts : string -> string list
parts filename returns a list of path components in order. For instance: /tmp/foo/bar/baz -> "/"; "tmp"; "foo"; "bar"; "baz"
val quote : string -> string
Return a quoted version of a file name, suitable for use as one argument in a command line, escaping all meta-characters. Warning: under Windows, the output is only suitable for use with programs that follow the standard Windows quoting conventions.