A | |
Already_set [Set_once] | |
B | |
Bad [Core_arg] |
Functions in
spec or anon_fun can raise Arg.Bad with an error
message to reject invalid arguments.
Bug [Common] | |
C | |
C_malloc_exn [Common] |
Raised if malloc in C bindings fail (errno * size).
D | |
Duplicate_found [Core_list] | |
E | |
Empty [Heap] |
Raised when
top or pop is called on an empty heap.
Empty [Fqueue] | |
F | |
Finally [Exn] |
Raised when finalization after an exception failed, too.
Finally [Common] |
Raised when finalization after an exception failed, too.
H | |
Help [Core_arg] |
Raised by
Arg.parse_argv when the user asks for help.
O | |
Of_sexp_error [Core_sexp] | |
R | |
Reraised [Exn] | |
U | |
Undefined [Core_lazy] |