Index of types

_date [Date.Export]

addr_info [Core_unix]
Address information returned by Unix.getaddrinfo.
anons [Command.Spec]
a specification of some number of anonymous arguments

behavior [Signal.Expert]
bigstring [Core_unix.IOVec]
bound [Interval_intf.S]
bound [Interval_intf.Gen_set]
bound [Interval_intf.Gen]
bound_ [Interval_intf.S]
bound_ [Interval_intf.S1]

dir_handle [Core_unix]
The type of descriptors over opened directories.

env [Core_unix]
create_process_env ~prog ~args ~env as create process, but takes an additional parameter that extends, or replaces the current environment.
error [Core_unix.Exit_or_signal_or_stop]
error [Core_unix.Exit_or_signal]
error [Core_unix.Exit]
error [Core_unix]
The type of error codes.
event [Timer]
Type of events.

file_kind [Core_unix]
file_perm [Core_unix]
flag [Command.Spec]
a flag specification
flow_action [Core_unix.Terminal_io]
flush_queue [Core_unix.Terminal_io]

getaddrinfo_option [Core_unix]
Options to Unix.getaddrinfo.
getnameinfo_option [Core_unix]

interval [Timer]
Type of intervals for repeated events
interval [Interval_intf.Gen_set]
interval_timer [Core_unix]
The three kinds of interval timers.
interval_timer_status [Core_unix]

key [Piecewise_linear_intf.S]
kind [Core_unix.IOVec]
Kind of I/O-vector buffers

limit [Core_unix.RLimit]
lock_command [Core_unix]
Commands for Core_unix.lockf.

msg_flag [Core_unix]
The flags for UnixLabels.recv, UnixLabels.recvfrom, UnixLabels.send and UnixLabels.sendto.

name_info [Core_unix]
Host and service information returned by Unix.getnameinfo.
no_seek [Iobuf]
no_seek and seek are defined and used in a similar manner to read_only and read_write.

open_flag [Core_unix]

param [Command.Spec]
specification of an individual parameter to the command's main function
pid_spec [Signal]
poly_set [Interval_intf.S]
poly_t [Interval_intf.S]
priority_queue [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
process_times [Core_unix]
The execution times (CPU times) of a process.

repeat [Linux_ext.Timerfd]
resource [Core_unix.RLimit]

seek [Iobuf]
like read_write
seek_command [Core_unix]
POSITIONING modes for UnixLabels.lseek.
select_timeout [Core_unix]
setattr_when [Core_unix.Terminal_io]
shutdown_command [Core_unix]
The type of commands for shutdown.
sigprocmask_command [Signal]
sockaddr [Core_unix]
The type of socket addresses.
socket_bool_option [Core_unix]
The socket options that can be consulted with UnixLabels.getsockopt and modified with UnixLabels.setsockopt.
socket_domain [Core_unix]
The type of socket domains.
socket_float_option [Core_unix]
The socket options that can be consulted with UnixLabels.getsockopt_float and modified with UnixLabels.setsockopt_float.
socket_int_option [Core_unix]
socket_optint_option [Core_unix]
The socket options that can be consulted with UnixLabels.getsockopt_optint and modified with UnixLabels.setsockopt_optint.
socket_type [Core_unix]
The type of socket kinds, specifying the semantics of communications.
stats [Core_unix.Native_file]
The informations returned by the UnixLabels.stat calls.
stats [Core_unix]
sys_behavior [Signal]
The default behaviour of the system if these signals trickle to the top level of a program.
sysconf [Core_unix]
System configuration

t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
An Elt.t represents an element that was added to a timing wheel.
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
The timing-wheel implementation uses an array of "levels", where level i is an array of length 2^b_i, where the b_i are the "level bits" specified via Level_bits.create_exn [b_0, b_1; ...].
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
t [Time]
A fully qualified point in time, independent of timezone.
t [Uuid]
t [User_and_group]
t [Timer]
Type of timers
t [Zone]
The type of a time-zone.
t [Zone.Stable.V1]
t [Time.Stable.V1]
t [Squeue]
t [Span.Stable.V1]
t [Span.Parts]
t [Span]
t [Signal]
t [Piecewise_linear_intf.Value]
t [Piecewise_linear_intf.Key]
t [Piecewise_linear_intf.S]
t [Ofday.Stable.V1]
t [Ofday]
t [Nano_mutex]
t [Linux_ext.Epoll.Flags]
An Epoll.Flags.t is an immutable set of flags for which one can register interest for a file descriptor.
t [Linux_ext.Epoll]
An Epoll.t maintains a map from File_descr.t to Flags.t, where the domain is the set of file descriptors that one is interested in, and the flags associated with each file descriptor specify the types of events one is interested in being notified about for that file descriptor.
t [Linux_ext.Priority]
t [Linux_ext.Timerfd.Flags]
t [Linux_ext.Timerfd.Clock]
t [Linux_ext.Timerfd]
t [Linux_ext.Clock]
t [Linux_ext.Sysinfo]
Result of sysinfo syscall (man 2 sysinfo)
t [Iobuf_intf.Accessors]
('d, 'w) Iobuf.t accessor function manipulating 'a, either writing it to the iobuf or reading it from the iobuf.
t [Iobuf.Snapshot]
t [Iobuf]
t [Interval_intf.S.Set]
t [Interval_intf.S]
t [Interval_intf.Gen_set]
t [Interval_intf.Gen]
t [Interval_intf.S1.Set]
t [Interval_intf.S1]
t [Interval.Stable.V1.Ofday]
t [Interval.Stable.V1.Int]
t [Interval.Stable.V1.Float]
t [Date.Stable.V1]
t [Date]
t [Daemon.Fd_redirection]
t [Core_unix.Mman.Mcl_flags]
t [Core_unix.Scheduler.Policy]
t [Core_unix.Utsname]
t [Core_unix.Resource_usage]
t [Core_unix.RLimit]
t [Core_unix.IOVec]
Representation of I/O-vectors.
t [Core_unix.Terminal_io]
t [Core_unix.Service]
Structure of entries in the services database.
t [Core_unix.Protocol]
Structure of entries in the protocols database.
t [Core_unix.Host]
Structure of entries in the hosts database.
t [Core_unix.Cidr]
t [Core_unix.Inet_addr]
t [Core_unix.Protocol_family]
t [Core_unix.Group]
t [Core_unix.Passwd]
t [Core_unix.Select_fds]
t [Core_unix.Process_channels]
t [Core_unix.Process_info]
t [Core_unix.Flock_command]
t [Core_unix.Open_flags]
Open_flags.t represents the flags associated with a file descriptor in the open-file-descriptor table.
t [Core_unix.Exit_or_signal_or_stop]
t [Core_unix.Exit_or_signal]
t [Core_unix.Exit]
t [Core_unix.Error]
t [Core_unix.File_descr]
t [Core_thread]
The type of thread handles.
t [Core_mutex]
t [Core_condition]
t [Command.Spec.Arg_type]
the type of a command line argument
t [Command.Spec]
composable command-line specifications
t [Command]
commands which can be combined into a hierarchy of subcommands
t [Backtrace]
A Backtrace.t is a snapshot of the stack obtained by calling Backtrace.get.
t_ [Interval_intf.S.Set]
t_ [Interval_intf.S]
tcp_bool_option [Linux_ext]
timing_wheel [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
tm [Core_unix]
The type representing wallclock time and calendar date.

value [Piecewise_linear_intf.S]

wait_on [Core_unix]