module Kind :
type t =
Fd.Kind.t =
| Fifo
| File
| Socket of [ `Active | `Bound | `Passive | `Unconnected ]
val infer_using_stat :
Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> t Import.Deferred.t
type t = Fd.t
val info : t -> Core.Std.Info.t
val to_string : t -> string
val create : Kind.t -> Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> Core.Std.Info.t -> t
val kind : t -> Kind.t
val supports_nonblock : t -> bool
val close :
?should_close_file_descriptor:bool -> t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val close_finished : t -> unit Import.Deferred.t
val is_closed : t -> bool
val with_close : t -> f:(t -> 'a Import.Deferred.t) -> 'a Import.Deferred.t
val is_open : t -> bool
val stdin : unit -> t
val stdout : unit -> t
val stderr : unit -> t
val with_file_descr :
?nonblocking:bool ->
t ->
(Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) ->
[ `Already_closed | `Error of exn | `Ok of 'a ]
val with_file_descr_exn :
?nonblocking:bool -> t -> (Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_file_descr_deferred :
t ->
(Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a Import.Deferred.t) ->
[ `Already_closed | `Error of exn | `Ok of 'a ] Import.Deferred.t
val ready_to_interruptible :
t ->
[ `Read | `Write ] ->
interrupt:unit Import.Deferred.t ->
[ `Bad_fd | `Closed | `Interrupted | `Ready ] Import.Deferred.t
val ready_to :
t ->
[ `Read | `Write ] -> [ `Bad_fd | `Closed | `Ready ] Import.Deferred.t
val syscall :
?nonblocking:bool ->
t ->
(Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) ->
[ `Already_closed | `Error of exn | `Ok of 'a ]
val syscall_exn :
?nonblocking:bool -> t -> (Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val syscall_in_thread :
t ->
name:string ->
(Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) ->
[ `Already_closed | `Error of exn | `Ok of 'a ] Import.Deferred.t
val syscall_in_thread_exn :
t ->
name:string -> (Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t -> 'a) -> 'a Import.Deferred.t
val of_in_channel : Core.Std.In_channel.t -> Kind.t -> t
val of_out_channel : Core.Std.Out_channel.t -> Kind.t -> t
val of_in_channel_auto : Core.Std.In_channel.t -> t Import.Deferred.t
val of_out_channel_auto : Core.Std.Out_channel.t -> t Import.Deferred.t
val file_descr_exn : t -> Core.Std.Unix.File_descr.t
val to_int_exn : t -> int
val replace : t -> Kind.t -> Core.Std.Info.t -> unit
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t