Index of types

priority_queue [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]

t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue.Elt]
An Elt.t represents an element that was added to a timing wheel.
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Priority_queue]
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Level_bits]
The timing-wheel implementation uses an array of "levels", where level i is an array of length 2^b_i, where the b_i are the "level bits" specified via Level_bits.create_exn [b_0, b_1; ...].
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S.Alarm]
t [Timing_wheel_intf.S]
t [Pool_intf.S.Pointer]
The type of a pointer to a tuple in a pool.
t [Pool_intf.S]
The type of a pool.
t [Obj_array]
t [Tuple_type_intf.Slot]
A Slot.t represents a slot in a tuple type.
t [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t [Flat_tuple_array]
The type of a flat tuple array.
t1 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t2 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t3 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t4 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t5 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t6 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t7 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t8 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
t9 [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]
timing_wheel [Timing_wheel_intf.S]

u [Tuple_type_intf.Slots]