Index of types

any [Read_write]

buffer_age_limit [Writer]

dir_handle [Unix_syscalls]

env [Process]
env specifies how to construct the environment that the child process will start with.
error [Unix_syscalls]

file_perm [Unix_syscalls]
folder [Scheduler]
fold_fields ~init folder folds folder over each field in the scheduler.
folder [Raw_scheduler]

handler [Signal_manager]
install_handler t signals f causes t to manage the handling of signals, and registers f to run on every signal in signals that is delivered.
handler [Raw_signal_manager]

open_flag [Unix_syscalls]

process_times [Unix_syscalls]
Time functions.

read [Reader]
read_one_chunk_at_a_time_until_eof_result [Reader]
read_one_chunk_at_a_time_until_eof t ~handle_chunk reads into t's internal buffer, and whenever bytes are available, applies handle_chunk to them.
read_write_ [Read_write.Export]
ready_to_result [Raw_fd]

setattr_when [Unix_syscalls.Terminal_io]

t [Unix_syscalls.Group]
t [Unix_syscalls.Passwd]
t [Unix_syscalls.Terminal_io]
t [Unix_syscalls.Host]
t [Unix_syscalls.Protocol_family]
t [Unix_syscalls.Inet_addr]
t [Unix_syscalls.Stats]
t [Unix_syscalls.File_kind]
t [Writer]
t [Work_group]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Opt]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Type]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Family]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Address.Inet]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Address.Unix]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket.Address]
t [Unix_syscalls.Socket]
Sockets have a phantom type parameter that tracks the state of the socket in order to eliminate certain errors in which socket functions are called in the wrong order.
t [Signal_manager]
t [Scheduler]
t [Read_write.Mutable]
t [Read_write.Read_only]
t [Read_write.Immutable]
t [Read_write.Key]
t [Read_write]
t [Reader.Read_result]
t [Reader]
t [Raw_signal_manager.Handler]
t [Raw_signal_manager.Handlers]
t [Raw_signal_manager]
t [Raw_scheduler]
t [Raw_fd.T]
t [Raw_fd.Watching]
t [Raw_fd.State]
t [Raw_fd.Kind]
t [Process.Output]
t [Process]
t [Io_stats]
t [In_thread.Helper_thread]
A Helper_thread is a thread that is dedicated to handling computations external to Async.
t [Interruptor]
t [File_descr_watcher_intf.S.Check_result]
t [File_descr_watcher_intf.S.Pre]
t [File_descr_watcher_intf.S]
A file-descr-watcher is essentially a map from File_descr.t to bool Read_write.t, which defines the set of file descriptors being watched, and for each file descriptor, whether it is being watched for read, write, or both.
t [File_descr_watcher_intf.Timeout]
t [File_descr_watcher_intf.Post]
t [Fd_by_descr]
t [Fd.Kind]
t [Fd]
the_one_and_only [Raw_scheduler]
tm [Unix_syscalls]

wait_on [Unix_syscalls]
with_create_args [Process]
with_create_args specifies the arguments used to create a child process.
with_options [Scheduler]
with_options [Raw_scheduler]