type 'a with_process_flags =
?use_extra_path:bool ->
?timeout:Core.Std.Time.Span.t option ->
?working_dir:string ->
?setuid:int ->
?setgid:int ->
?env:[ `Extend of (string * string) list
| `Replace of (string * string) list ] ->
?verbose:bool -> ?echo:bool -> ?input:string -> ?keep_open:bool -> 'a
type 'a with_run_flags = ?expect:int list -> 'a Shell.with_process_flags
type 'a cmd = string -> string list -> 'a
val run : unit Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val run_lines : ?eol:char -> string list Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val run_one : ?eol:char -> string option Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val run_one_exn : ?eol:char -> string Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val run_full : string Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val run_fold :
?eol:char ->
init:'a ->
f:('a -> string -> 'a * [ `Continue | `Stop ]) ->
'a Shell.cmd Shell.with_run_flags
type ('a, 'ret) sh_cmd = ('a, unit, string, 'ret) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val sh : ('a, unit) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val sh_lines : ('a, string list) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val sh_full : ('a, string) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val sh_one : ('a, string option) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val sh_one_exn : ('a, string) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val noninteractive_ssh_options : string list
val noninteractive_no_hostkey_checking_options : string list
type 'a with_ssh_flags =
?ssh_options:string list -> ?user:string -> host:string -> 'a
val ssh : ('a, unit) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags Shell.with_ssh_flags
val ssh_lines :
('a, string list) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags Shell.with_ssh_flags
val ssh_full :
('a, string) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags Shell.with_ssh_flags
val ssh_one :
('a, string option) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags
val ssh_one_exn :
('a, string) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_run_flags Shell.with_ssh_flags
type 'a with_test_flags =
?true_v:int list -> ?false_v:int list -> 'a Shell.with_process_flags
val test : bool Shell.cmd Shell.with_test_flags
val sh_test : ('a, bool) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_test_flags
val ssh_test :
('a, bool) Shell.sh_cmd Shell.with_test_flags Shell.with_ssh_flags
val extra_path : string list Pervasives.ref
module Process :
type status =
[ `Exited of int
| `Signaled of Core.Std.Signal.t
| `Timeout of Core.Std.Time.Span.t ]
type t
type result = {
command : Shell.Process.t;
status : Shell.Process.status;
stdout : string;
stderr : string;
exception Failed of Shell.Process.result
val to_string : Shell.Process.t -> string
val status_to_string : Shell.Process.status -> string
val set_defaults :
?timeout:Core.Std.Time.Span.t option ->
?verbose:bool -> ?echo:bool -> unit -> unit
val format_failed : Shell.Process.result -> string
val cmd : string -> string list -> Shell.Process.t
val shell : string -> Shell.Process.t
val remote :
?ssh_options:string list ->
?quote_args:bool ->
?user:string -> host:string -> Shell.Process.t -> Shell.Process.t
type 'a reader
val content : string Shell.Process.reader
val discard : unit Shell.Process.reader
val lines : ?eol:char -> unit -> string list Shell.Process.reader
val head : ?eol:char -> unit -> string option Shell.Process.reader
exception Empty_head
val head_exn : ?eol:char -> unit -> string Shell.Process.reader
val callback :
add:(string -> int -> unit) ->
flush:(unit -> unit) -> unit Shell.Process.reader
val run :
(Shell.Process.t -> 'a Shell.Process.reader -> 'a)
val run_k :
((Shell.Process.t -> 'a Shell.Process.reader -> 'a) -> 'b) ->
'b Shell.with_run_flags
val test : (Shell.Process.t -> bool) Shell.with_test_flags
val test_k :
((Shell.Process.t -> bool) -> 'a) -> 'a Shell.with_test_flags
val mkdir : ?p:unit -> ?perm:int -> string -> unit
val cp :
?overwrite:bool ->
?perm:Core.Std.Unix.file_perm -> string -> string -> unit
val ln : ?s:unit -> ?f:unit -> string -> string -> unit
val rm : ?r:unit -> ?f:unit -> string -> unit
val mv : string -> string -> unit
val whoami : ?real:bool -> unit -> string
val which : ?use_extra_path:bool -> string -> string option
val scp :
?compress:bool ->
?recurse:bool -> ?user:string -> host:string -> string -> string -> unit
val ounit_tests : unit -> OUnit.test