Module Std.Documented_match_statement

module Documented_match_statement: Documented_match_statement

type ('input, 'output) case = {
   pattern :'input list;
   documentation :string;
   value :'output;
type ('input, 'output) t = {
   specific_cases :('input, unit -> 'output) case list;
   catchall_case :[ `Unused of unit -> 'output
| `Used of ([ `Catchall ], 'input -> 'output) case ]
val map : ('input, 'output1) t ->
f:('output1 -> 'output2) -> ('input, 'output2) t
val map_cases : ('input, unit -> 'output1) case list ->
f:('output1 -> 'output2) ->
('input, unit -> 'output2) case list
val map_pattern : ('input1, 'output) t ->
f1:('input1 -> 'input2) ->
f2:('input2 -> 'input1) -> ('input2, 'output) t
val prepend : specific_cases:('input, unit -> 'output) case list ->
('input, 'output) t ->
('input, 'output) t
prepend ~specific_cases t matches on specific_cases before moving on to t.

A common situation is representing let f t x = match x with | `A -> ... | `B -> ... | _ ->

which can be done by combining prepend and map: let f' = prepend ~specific_cases:{pattern = `A;...};{pattern = `B;...} (map g' ~f:(fun h t -> ))

val match_ : ('input, 'output) t -> 'input -> 'output
match_ t pulls out the underlying function of t
val documentation : ('input, 'output) t ->
input_to_string:('input -> string) -> title:string -> string list