Module Std.Bitarray

module Bitarray: Bitarray

type t 
include Core.Std.Sexpable
val create : int -> t
create size size must be less than ((word size - 2) * max array length)
val get : t -> int -> bool
get t pos get the value in position pos, raises Invalid_argument if the position is out of bounds.
val set : t -> int -> bool -> unit
set t pos set the value in position pos, raises Invalid_argument if the position is out of bounds.
val clear : t -> unit
clear t set the contents of every element to false O(n / (word_size - 2))
val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> bool -> 'a) -> 'a
fold t ~init ~f Fold over the array as in Array.fold
val iter : t -> f:(bool -> unit) -> unit
iter t ~f Iterate over the array as in Array.iter