type pos = int
type pos_ref = Common.pos Pervasives.ref
type buf =
(char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
val create_buf : int -> Common.buf
val check_pos : Common.buf -> Common.pos -> unit
val check_next : Common.buf -> Common.pos -> unit
val safe_get_pos : Common.buf -> Common.pos_ref -> Common.pos
val blit_string_buf :
?src_pos:int -> string -> ?dst_pos:int -> Common.buf -> len:int -> unit
val blit_buf_string :
?src_pos:int -> Common.buf -> ?dst_pos:int -> string -> len:int -> unit
val blit_buf :
?src_pos:int ->
src:Common.buf -> ?dst_pos:int -> dst:Common.buf -> int -> unit
exception Buffer_short
exception No_variant_match
module ReadError :
type t =
| Int_code
| Int_overflow
| Nat0_code
| Nat0_overflow
| Int32_code
| Int64_code
| Nativeint_code
| Unit_code
| Bool_code
| Option_code
| String_too_long
| Variant_tag
| Array_too_long
| Hashtbl_too_long
| Sum_tag of string
| Variant of string
| Poly_rec_bound of string
| Variant_wrong_type of string
| Silly_type of string
| Empty_type of string
val to_string : Common.ReadError.t -> string
exception Read_error of Common.ReadError.t * Common.pos
exception Read_exc of exn * Common.pos
exception Poly_rec_write of string
exception Empty_type of string
val raise_read_error : Common.ReadError.t -> Common.pos -> 'a
val raise_read_exc : exn -> Common.pos -> 'a
val raise_concurrent_modification : string -> 'a
val array_bound_error : unit -> 'a
type vec32 =
(float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout)
type vec64 =
(float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout)
type vec = Common.vec64
type mat32 =
(float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout)
type mat64 =
(float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout)
type mat = Common.mat64
val copy_htbl_list :
('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t
external variant_of_int : int -> [> ] = "%identity"
external unsafe_blit_buf :
src_pos:int ->
src:Common.buf -> dst_pos:int -> dst:Common.buf -> len:int -> unit
= "bin_prot_blit_buf_stub"
external unsafe_blit_string_buf :
src_pos:int -> string -> dst_pos:int -> Common.buf -> len:int -> unit
= "bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub" "noalloc"
external unsafe_blit_buf_string :
src_pos:int -> Common.buf -> dst_pos:int -> string -> len:int -> unit
= "bin_prot_blit_buf_string_stub" "noalloc"